On Democracy: A Tribute to Shaun Bartlett
The Marxist literature worked on a taxonomy of ‘people’ some of whom could be eligible to exercise self determination and others were not. At the top of this evolutionary pyramid we have ‘nations’, succeeded by ‘nationalities’ and ‘people’ right at the bottom of the ladder. Remember infamous acronym for one of the regional states in Ethiopia whose name goes the “Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS)? Quite a mouthful of Stalinist classification!
Time for the world cup fever! And South Africa has made us proud again. What struck me was Shaun Bartlett’s comment about South Africa hosting the biggest and most celebrated tournament in the world. He said, “It is unbelievable, we are only a democracy 16 years young. But, yeah we have come so far!”
It just reflected the premium that a regular South African puts on the virtues of his country’s progress -the core of that success being democracy. I would like to build on the proposition that I made in my last article that democracy is one profound way of addressing the issue of self-determination in Ethiopia.
First things first, what exactly do we mean by self-determination? The concept came to prominence following the French and later the American revolutions where it simply meant “people have the right to determine their government”- i.e. the notion of popular sovereignty. A sticky debate then comes when we ask “who are the people?” Or what constitute a collective self, so much so that this respective community would exercise popular sovereignty? This has always been controversial.
In the Marxist lingo, for instance, Lenin, Rosa Luxemborg, Otto Van Bauer wrote and debated the issue. The Marxist literature worked on a taxonomy of ‘people’ some of whom could be eligible to exercise self determination and others were not. At the top of this evolutionary pyramid we have ‘nations’, succeeded by ‘nationalities’ and ‘people’ right at the bottom of the ladder. Remember infamous acronym for one of the regional states in Ethiopia whose name goes the “Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS)? Quite a mouthful of Stalinist classification!
In Africa, the ‘self’ has been defined in two major ways. First come the political nations (that F Meincke once called Staatsnations) where former multi-ethnic colonies were turned into national selves. Colonialism therefore has helped defined state driven nationalism in much of Africa. The case is quite different in Ethiopia where one cannot talk of prolonged colonial domination, save for the five years stint under Italian occupation. Secondly, the ‘self’ is defined as an ethno-cultural nation (that F Meincke calls Kulturnations) based on language, religion, race or cultural differences. While national selves are integrationist, ethno-cultural selves are usually separatist. But they have one common and striking similarity: both aspire to control or create a state!
True, nationalism is a political project attempting to make the cultural boundaries of a collective self coterminous with the political ones. There is hope then. Since politics is the art of the possible, the elite can change the terms and conditions of self determination based on their calculations to control state power. The issue of self determination is not a sacred cow as many would portray it.
Democratizing the state would then mean offering an inclusive state architecture where the following are granted. First come the respect for basic human, political, economic and socio cultural rights of individual citizens in a nation. Second is a constitutional arrangement that ensures the rule of law; and delineates the powers of the federal as well as regional states in less controversial ways. Thirdly, ensuring free and fair elections at local, regional and federal levels of administration is another important measure. These measures would address concerns of individual and collective self determination in Ethiopia if craftily addressed. Obviously, each of them call for political compromise, constitutional reforms and institutional build up. But all can be summarized in the Wilsonian tradition of self determination which argues that popular sovereignty is best exercised via democratic practice.
In fact, the literature on self determination is usually premised on the presence or absence of democracy. A founding document of TPLF for instance argued that secession from Ethiopia is imperative if oppression persists and there is no democracy. The document states, “If there is a democratic political atmosphere self determination means the creation of integrated nations…If the existing national oppression continues or is aggravated, then it means the birth of an independent Tigray.”
Even more, forms of internal self-determination are premised on the presence or absence of constitutional democracy. We can have a democratic but unitary state ( a good example can be the Netherlands). We may have autonomy or some form of federalism in a democratic state (the case of the Quebecois in Canada). Or we may have similar arrangements in a non democratic state (the case of nations like Georgia in the former USSR). In a nut shell, it is the lack of democracy which initiated struggles of self determination in the first place.
On the home turf, Ethiopia is no more a feudal empire. The radical land distribution of the Derg has fundamentally transformed the nature of the Ethiopian state. Neither is Ethiopia a unitary state. Two decades of ethnic-federalism has introduced regional states, with legislative bodies, executive powers and leverages in attempt to address issues of political and cultural self determination. The problem is that this structure is a hostage of one party control (some may even contest one man control). What other question looms large except for one: the quest for democracy?
Let me finish with a quote from the famous British historian EH Carr, “If every man’s right is recognized to be consulted about the affairs of the political unit to which he belongs, he may be assumed to have an equal rights to be consulted about the form and extent of the unit.” In short, constitutional democracy is an everyday form of self determination. Enjoy the World Cup!
Dear Deresse,
I commend you on this analysis. As a student of yours, i have always been facinated at what you had to say.
Back to the article, true democracy is core to progress as Shuan put it. True we have again fallen victims of a single party(its a coalition)having to govern for 2 decades now. I still am not convinced whether this is a bad thing or not. I totally agree that democracy should be, a forum for an “inclusive state architecture”. But I still am not clear on what it(inclusive architacture) means. Does this mean that all Ethiopians, From all corners should be invoved, or that all parties should be represented, in the democracy. Its a pity that we have a winner get all type of democracy and that all that competed and have a desire to be politically active don’t get to be invoved at foults of their own or not.But my point is, that the reason we “lack” self determination( a sense of what it means and what it means in the present day Ethiopia)or democracy is,I think, because the politics and the actors(Rulling and opposition)are not clear on the concepts and/or are unable to grasp the concepts to the fullest(beqi meradat bematat). it takes two to tango. In this regard I think all have failed us(I think, only OLF got what self determination meant for it(Sessation)as a party and communicated it well). The others; I don’t really understand what they mean when they say self determination, or democracy.
On different note, I look forward to more articles from you and read on what you have to say on eaternization(CHINA and INDIA) of Africa. If you think its a likely happenning, or how much this integaration(economic, social or political) could impact our views in this are.
Gobez dere,,
but the wordings and sequence u used tinish kebed yelal..
As you did before, here you are with a truly informative analysis…Thank you and I like the way u look at issues and very much looking forward to read more from you.
However, in this piece, I think you cut short many of the points that could have been elaborated more..for instance, as to why you called the SNNPR infamous, as to whether you think the current Federal system is commendable apart from the problem of party centralization you mentioned, whether the constitutional recognition of the nations and nationalities right to self-determination is an important part of the ‘constitutional democracy’ you mentioned…I understand the differences of opinion you may have with most of the editors of this page, but I think you should say more on these issues as it is,according to my knowledge, your area of specialization.
Hi Derese,
galatoomi for the short, but precise article. I commend your stand as long as you do support the TRUE ethnic-fedralism as a form of self-determination in Ethiopia. With this stand, you just showed that you are not anti-Oromia Ethiopianist like the xerqilai-gizat federalists, who want to dismantle Oromia with a pre-text of prefering a geography-based federation to the language-based federation.
Your quote of the Europeans, who classified the nations as “Staatnation and Kulturnation” shows simply your acceptance of the eurocentric views. Europeans call their own tribe as nation like Germany, France, Italy…etc and they like to denigrate African nations like Oromo Amhara, Somali, Hausa..etc as “African tribes”.
Unfortunately Ethiopian scholars like you do follow this same pattern. Just tell me, what hinders for instance Oromia from being Staatnation, if Italy is so? Just tell me the difference between these two nations (Oromo and Italy)! Why is Oromo a “tribe” and Italy a nation?
Regarding the TPLF manifesto, Self-determination is for them “either Hegemonal rule of all other nations in the empire as they are doing it now or forging an independent republic of Tigrai”. Their rhetoric about democracy is a cover up. The same will be true if Amharas come back to power. They will talk about democracy and unity as an euphemy for keeping the empire intact.
You also simply try to use your knowledge to justify the occupation (colonization) of Oromia under Abyssinia as something NORMAL, just as almost all Habesha scholars are doing.
MERDO to you and to ALL Habesha scholars is that you can philosophy, spin and theoretize every thing in the empire as you want, Oromo question for self-determination is not different from the self-determination of Italy, Germany or France.
It is only about the matter of time. Take it only 1 year, about 10 years or as long as 100 years, Oromia will be free and independent. True Oromian autonomy in Ethiopian context is the minimal arrangement Oromo can live with. This is out tactical goal. In due time, we will have an Independent Gadaa Republic of Oromia within or without a UNION of Independent Nations in the Horn.
Unless Oromia and other oppressed national areas are in a position to excercise their self-determination free from the influence of Abyssinian system of domination, your and your friends talking about democracy is good only for academic discussion. As Oromo nationalists usually say, trying to democratize Etiopian empire under control of Abyssinian colonizing elites is a pipe dream. Damocracy can be applied only after liberation of oppressed nations from Abyssinian domination system.
Otherwise, just enjoy your academic excercise with no practical value. Specifically now, talking about democracy under Weyne regime is just self-deception. So, pleace move on from this self-deception to the true sense of self-determination. I am sure that time will come when all of you Habesha scholars will be compelled to accept the right of Oromo nation to self-determination, instead of denigrating this great nation as only “Kultur-group” similar to the act of your European mentors. It is hard to convince you Habesha scholars about this for you people are “awuqoo yetenya”, as your saying goes “awuqoo yetenyaan sewu biqeseqisuut ayisemam”, but it is not impossible to compell you to swallow the fact on the ground with the help of Waaqayyoo!
Thanks God! For every Walfidaa there are hundreds and thousands of Oromos who want to see a democratic and free Ethiopia! For me the Oromos are not only part of the state apparatus, but also the architect of the repression Ethiopian rulers since 1550. We are all victims of misrule and governance by Ethiopian rulers who came from different ethnic groups. What is the economic, social and political superiority of a Menze or Gojame over a Ormomo from Wolega or Bati? So, do not pretend that Oromos are the only victim in the land. I think your type of person need to face history as it is not as you would like it to be!
Historical Questions:
• Where were the Oromos before 1520?
• How the Oromos spread to all direction in the country: by invitation or by force?
• Do you know the Oromo expansion to the North has to do it by brutal fighting and mass massacre of Afars and Amhars?
• Did the Oromos expand in an empty land?
• Who were the 16the and 17th centre rulers of Gonder if not the descendant of Yeju Ormos?
• Do you know it is the Oromo expansion/migration that forced the Hadias and Kedmbatts to move west from the current Arsis area including the Sidama and other tribes to the South Wes corner of the country?
• Do you know other current Wollega was called Bezamo and was the land of the Inaria tribe that was eliminated by the Oromos?
• Do you know before the migration/expansion of Oromos has their own names?
• Why do you think other ethnic groups will not resist Oromo claim that Addis Ababa is finfine, Tefeger is Harar, Bezamo is Wolega, etc.
Finally, if you dream to have the Gadaa Republic of Oromia, then it should be on the land of the Oromos before 1520. However, as 460 years of history witnesses, the Oromos are part of the elite group that shaped modern Ethiopia and cannot be considered victims rather conquer!
I can see how Abyssinian-Amhara elites always talk about Oromo “migration” and now how the Abyssinian-Tigre elites are currently talking about Oromo “expansion”. Both terms are wrong and written by the Debteras! True version of Oromo history is simply put: Oromo is an indegenious nation who lived in East Africa in the area between Meroe and Mombaassa for the last about 5500 years. Its national area is gradually reduced to the status quo becuase of the occupations, assimilations and exploitations done by those from middle east and by their trojan horses (Abyssinians)in the last 3000 years.
But, let’s leave history for historians now. The main determining factor is the political will of the existing nations to self-determination. The fact that Oromo nation exists is undeniable! What this nation need and want in the future can only be determined by this nation. I am not trying to convince any Habesha elite (you may belong here) who is “awuqoo yetenya”. I am just telling the fact that no one can hinder this big and great nation from excercising its right to self-determination, take it only 1 year, about 10 years or as long as 100 years. So Lubak, hear this MERDO and sit LEQSOO! Then I will try to come to comfort you! Galatoomi.
First of all I can proudly tell you that I am a combination of many ethnic groups. What is the Merdo? What is the Lekso? If Oromos what to go good for them. I do not have any problem. But where are they going? On whose land are Oromos establishing the Gadaa Republic? Your problem is you think the solution is easy-separation. As I told you, do not act and think as if you are a victim. You are the expansionist and conquer. By the way, why are you afraid of history? When you think of succession why you want to deny the rights of the Kenbattas, Hadias and the Sidamas their right to claim their hereditary land-Arsi? Why you deny the Yem, the Kefichos, Shekichos their hereditary land of Kaffa and Ilubabor which the Oromos took by force?
Second, do not misuse the right of “nation for self determination” as you cannot grab someone’s land and dream self determination. The OLF language is discredited and it is the OLF and the extreme Amhara who are in competition to keep Woyannie beasts in power! No one looses from a free and democratic Ethiopia except separatists who are dreaming to be Ambassadors, Ministers, and Commissioners.
Remember: Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that “FOR OR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION.”
Thank you
Aite Lubak,
I have heard and read many Weyane cadres talking the same issue of “Oromo occupied other southern nations’ land”. Again another Merdo for you is that you will never achieve this plan of instigating the other oppressed nations in the empire against Oromo.
Oromo people’s struggle is to get rid of Abyssinian system of domination, particularly concentrating on the demise of the current system under the Tigrean warlords (the looting and lording Weyane elites). Let alone the southern nations, even the Amhara mass is staring to sense the national oppression under the Tigrean warlords.
So, Self-determination of all nations in that cursed region (including the oppressed mass of Amhara people is inevitable). The final and lasting common goal of all nations there can only be the UNION of Independent Nations, to which Gadaa Republic of Oromia will be the part! The possible TRUE ethnic-federalism is mid-goal towards this END-goal, i.e towards the Union)! It is only after the liberation of these oppressed nations from Weyane fascism and tyranny that we can talk about the genuine democratization process. First comes national liberty, then follows multi-national democracy!
Dear Walfidhaa
Yes I believe the current structure was an attempt to address issues of collective rights and self determinational under an ethno federal system. It has its flaws but still it is a significant departure from unitary state mode. What has this got to do with it being TRUE? How can a government structure be TRUE?
Second, my views about the colonialization thesis are clear. I disagree with it. I do not shy away from it. Just as you consider your version of history as right and keep talking about the MERDO and LEKSO that I am going to encounter. At least, recognize that there are many others who disagree with you.LUBAK for one gave us a handful of issues to ponder over.
yes I did use Meincke classification of Staats nation and Kuturnation but it has got nothing to do with the tribe-nation dichotomy you mentioned about. remember both are NATIONS. The adjectives differ. In staats nation the community you are talking about is mutiethnic. You have corsicans, ethic germans, romans, arabs in Italy. Italian nationalism is not ethnic nationalism. But Oromo nationalism is ethnic nationalism aspiring to create its own state. Now where does this say africans are tribes and europeans are nations? Dont read too much into the text!!Even more do not label people for what they are not!!
Walfidhaa, one last thing. Do not personalize issues and get charged up( lekso , merdo …) . Who said academic exercise has no practical value? Do you seriously think that? One last thing, good luck with your practical projects of independence and the union of horn of africa nations.
thanks for the well reflected reply! YES! It is possible that I might have emotionalized the apparently cold rational “analysis”. I made it deliberately to heat up the cold “reasoning” for we are human and our action in practical world is not only led by reason, but also by our emotion.
Just as an example you people are emotionally attached to Imiye Ethiopia and any theory challenging this established believe is doomed and cursed. Oromo nationalists are also starting the same emotional relation with the future Gadaa Republic of Oromia. So don’t expect me to discuss like a robot, but like an emotional human being.
Regarding the ethnic federation you usually concentrate only on its structure not on its fuction. Which one is more important? A structure with out function is like a body without life (like a zombie!). The Ethnic federation under Weyane is such a dead structure. Oromo want to have a lively federal arrangement free from Weyane lording, that is the TRUE federation I am talking about!
Regarding your view on the colonization, I do have no problem with your version as long as you also respect mine. But Aite Lubak started with disrespecting my position, that is why I fired back. Of course it can be painful for him, I think this will help him to have empathy for the pain of the others.
Regarding the Staat-nation and Kultur-nation, you wrote “While national selves are integrationist, ethno-cultural selves are usually separatist.” This is the sentence which provoked me to label you as eurocentric. You here concluded that only “staat-nations” are “national selves” and positively judged as “integrationists”, whereas “ethno-cultural selves” like Oromo are negatively smeared as “separatists”. That is why I just asked you to tell me the difference between Italy and Oromia.
You just listed how many minority “ehno-culture” (national minorites) are living in Italy. Can’t you see that similar national minorities may live in the future Gadaa Republic of Oromia within or without a UNION of nations in the Horn? I tell you, in the future free Oromia, there will be Amhara, Gurage, Harari…etc, who can live as minoritiy national groups. When we talk about “Staat-nation”, it is about the so called TITULAR nation. Italians are the titular nation in Italy, Germans in Germany, and so will it be in the future republic of Oromia (where Oromo is titular nation), Amharia (Amhara a titular nation), Tigrai (Tigre a titular nation)..etc.
To tell you in short, there is nothing which hinders Oromia from being “Staat-nation” just as Italy is. Unitary Ethiopian project is dead never to come back; fake federalism under Weyane is only temporary project as long as Tigrean warlords have millitary superiority; a TRUE ethnic federation can be good compromise solution to certain extent; but yet the lasting solution for that cursed region is a UNION of Independent Nations based on the rock of the Gadaa Republic of Oromia as a CORE because Finfinne (the heart of Oromia)is the capital city of African Union and will definetly be also the capital city of the Horn Union.
Last, but not least, thank you for your wish of good luck regarding this project of Oromian independence and Horn Union. Take it as long as it may, this will be the lasting END-solution, of course the TRUE ethnic federation being a mid-solution towards this end.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” Adolf Hitler
“A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” Winston Churchill
First I would like to join Derese to wish you good luck in your “Gadaa Republic Project.”
You said “Aite Lubak started with disrespecting my position that is why I fired back. Of course it can be painful for him; I think this will help him to have empathy for the pain of the others.” Thank you for the Aite-because you think I am a Tigrian. I am not trying to demean my Tigrian compatriots. But I told you that I came from a mixed family like millions in Ethiopia and you need to find us another prefix that takes into consideration our mixedness!!
Having said this, I would like to inform you that I did not disrespect your position. What I wanted to do was to demystify the so called Oromo oppression, colonization and marginalization by rising historical questions that that people are afraid or are diplomatic enough not to raise. Unfortunately, you were also not gallant enough to face and answer the historical question because the have carried the answerers that crack and destroy your theoretical foundation of colonization and marginalization. If your foundation is wrong by historical facts, then what remains is propaganda of your crumb and credulous though. That is why you reputedly say Merdo and Leqso. Personally, if your project is successful it is neither Merdo nor leqso for me. But the opposite will be Merdo and Leqiso for you!! The problem is that you do not want to understand Derese because you are swimming in a waterless ideological pool called colonization and the dream of the Gadaa Republic.
For me and I am sure for other your theory of of Abyssinian colonization and Oromo oppression is not supported by fact and history and as a result it is a big lie borrowed from Adolf Hitler. The big lie according to Dr. Goebbels (the Bereket Simon and Shemeles Kedaml of Hitler) Big lie is “repeated distortion of the truth on a grand scale, especially for propaganda purposes This is what Hitler said about Big lie as instrument of propaganda:
“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.” Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X.
So Obbo Walfidhaa, I respect you but not your Hitlerian BIG LIE-the Abyssinian colonization! If this thing does exist it should be in the subjective mind of ideologically motivated fanatics. As Winston Churchill said “a fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” Denying that the Oromos were and are not the Architects and Auditors of the Ethiopian State at all levels is a big lie and is like saying the sun is rising in the South.
Thank you!
Aite Lubak,
you just blabbered a lot and made so many references to your European mentors just to tell me two very simple things: that I am a liar and a fanatic! With this you do imply that you are the opposite: “the truthful and the moderate”.
Why is this assertion of yours similar to that of your Debteras, who told the world that Oromo is “imigrant” and “savage without religion”. You see your debteras were 100% sure to have the absolute truth on their side, just as you, their “modern” descendant, also seem to claim to have the absolute truth on your side.
you like it or not, your currently ruling fascist regime will not live forever in Finfinne palace. Regarding what Oromo people want and what is true about Oromo, I just pray to Waaqayyoo to give you a long life and allow you to see, what is developing under your eyes. You have swallowed a lot of small bitter pills till now and surely you will swallow the BIG one (Gadaa Republic of Oromia). If you die before swallowing it, surely your children will do it for you.
I didn’t know rhat “Addis Neger” belongs to OLF. I can’t choose between three evils, (EPLF, EPLF & OLF). They are all Ethiopians enemy & handle as sworn “foreign enemy”.
Obbo Walfidaa,
I repeatedly tried to tell you that your project is neither Merdo or liqso or big bill for me! I wish you all the best! Don’t also waste your time praying for Waaqayyoo to grant me long life to see the Gadaa Republic. Please spend your precious time for praying and establishing your Gadaa Republic. However, it is also good to remember that “FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION.”
One of your OLF spiritual mentors (I think it was Dima Negawo??) was interviewed by the BBC in the early 1990s. He was asked: Where is Oromiya? He said wherever the Oromos live. The journalist asked him if his statement includes London!! If territorial location of the Gadaa Republic is “wherever the Oromos live” as said by Dima, then I leave it to the Obbo Walfidaa and his friends to tell us the practicality of their thesis.
My problem is not the Gadaa Republic or the imaginary and big-lie -Abyssinian Colonization but the lack of democracy and respect to human rights and rule of law in Ethiopia. As I tried to say in may earlier comments, you extreme Oromos, extreme Tigrians and your extreme Amhara compatriots are the one who provide the oxygen for the brutal and lotocratic rule of Legesse Zenawi.
Aite Lubak,
just as Turks living in Berlin can not claim Geremany, so Oromo in Washington can not claim America or Abyssinians living in Finfinne can not claim Oromia. Otherwise, where Oromia is known by your heart even though your talking mouth and writing hands try to deny it.
Thank you for wishing me good luck, surely Gadaa Republic of Oromia within or without a UNION of independent nations in the Horn will happen either under your eyes or under the eyes of your children. No doubt about this.
Now our concentration is on how to get rid of your boss, the lootocrat. Any one or group who supports the pro-Oromian Unionist Killil Federalists (UKF) is our friend. Your cousins who still are anti-Oromia Unitarist Xeqilaigizat Federalists (UXF) will surely be compelled to come to their sense in due time and will give up their obsolete project of unitary Ethiopia. Then the struggle will be between the regime of your boss and the unionists.
Till then enjoy Oromia’s meat, coffee and milk! Time will come, when it will be too late for you!
what will happen to
#1 10% non Oromos living in Oromia
#2 SNNPRS,Gambela
#3 Addis Ababa
#4 some territories of Oromia
#5 persons of mixed ethnic heritage
when Oromia become Independent?
If there is a working solution, I prefer separation than to have bigger Ethiopia with competing nationalism.
It doesn’t take one to be rocket scientist to predict independent Oromia can be achieved but at the same that it is obvious that it will be a mess.
by the way, unless you want to use ethnicity for politics, what is the importance of the current administration region? why not a referendum to decide which is better?
Democracy is the best solution we have. Democratic Ethiopia will never prevent Oromia Indepedence.
Typographic errors correction:
I didn’t know that “Addis Neger” belongs to OLF. To me, there is no difference between TPLF, OLF & EPLF. They are all sworn enemies of Ethiopia, committed to destroy Ethiopia and Ethiopiawenet once and for all! So, good bye Addis Neger…! I still like and respect some of your contributers(Abiye, etc..), but not like this Walifedaa (what ever his anme is..), OLF’s propagandist in the name of “free speech” !
But, before I leave you forever I want you to ask you one innocent question: did you leave Ethiopia because of your OLF or because of your love for Ethiopia, for democracy, for freedom & justice for all? I guess, time will tell.
Obbo Walfidaa,
Please also enjoy the Finfine and the imaginary Gadaa republic!!
Nice discussion is going on here! Thanks Derese! It seems that the discussion is going on between the two types of Unionists (the Unionist Killil Federalists = UKF like OFC of MEDREK, the Unionist Liberation Fronts = ULF like OLF) and the two types of Unitarists (Unitarst Hegemonic Front = UHF aka Weyane, Unitarist Xeqilaigizat Federalists = UXF like AEUP).
Derese seems to be the proponent of UKFs, Walfidaa being supporter of ULFs and Lubak sounds to be the die hard promoter of UXFs. I think no one of them is supporter of the UHF aka Weyane.
It is a symptomatic to see these three camps of the opposition (ULFs, UKFs and UXFs) fighting each other so that Weyane, the UHF, rules with no challenging alliance of the opposition.
If we want to get rid of the looting and lording fascist UHF, it is imperative that the three opposition camps should agree on one common ground and forge an effective alliance against the fascist regime. The common ground is the position of the UKFs (TRUE Killil Federation, where both Oromian Autonomy and Ethiopian Union can be achieved). That means both the ULFs like Walfidaa and the UXFs like Lubak should give up their respective extreme positions and agree on the middle position of UKFs like that of Derese. This is the only way forward!
what a nice discussion? many thanks for dere; my beloved instructor.thanks also for lubak for raising questions that i didn’t knew before.i only knew this part of our history that is oromos as the oppressed,never the oppressors.waldifa please lets debate on ideas than repeating this lekso and merdo thing of yours.
thanks for the discussion! See you in free Finfinne of the upcoming Gadaa Republic! Galatoomi.
Walfidaa said
“True version of Oromo history is simply put: Oromo is an indegenious nation who lived in East Africa in the area between Meroe and Mombaassa for the last about 5500 years”
I wondered in what language this ‘true history’ was written? Do any one have a felling TPLF cadres are still working day and night to make up history in their pipe dream to legitimize their rule?
I do not blame them; their self-inflected illegitimacy making them change their identity many times over.
Addis Neger is cracking the secret code of TPLF, no wonder the editors were targeted.
Who would have the motives and the incentive to ferment conflicts to buy time and legitimacy but TPLF?
Just an observation.