Aung San Suu Kyi
She is unwavering in her commitment to freedom, in her belief in the morality and power of non-violent struggle, in her optimism about the future, in her conviction that the values of the enlightenment are universal. “All the great things are simple,” said Winston Churchill, “and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” Aung San Suu Kyi has been the personification of them all. The great lady studied at St. Huge’s College (Oxford), a few meters from where I live. It seems to me that at least one current member of this esteemed institution is keeping her spirit alive – our own Daniel Bekele.
i think its time for global net work relation system for dictators he take a lesson from his african brother meles ,,,,you fraud election then secure your sit ,,,so that release your prisoner to show the world how you are determined for peaceful straggle
Abiye, not everybody knows Daniel and it is probably better if you could have said a bit more about him. Anyways, here is a link to his recent award.
Some consider Birtukan as Suu Kiy of Ethiopia. Correct, Suukiy personifies that unbreakable heart and conviction. What she put up against tyrany is exceptional and is far beyound the obvious. She serves as a figure hero upon who her entire countrymen looked up for so many things. She remains like a spirit where there was no spirit and courage where its absence has failed many in that community. She has always been an inspiration to her people, a people who have done much to change the course but was not unable to get over it.
Now, what makes her similar to Birtukan of Ethiopia? What has Birtukan produced, done and delivered for her to be likend to the Asian tiger? What makes her so popular in the political arena? Some implicitly argue that most people are drawn to the Birtukan “spirit” due to the fact that she can possibly lend an exit from that intensified politico-tribal quagmire the country has found itself in in modern times considering that her lineage is from the two most populous tribal camps. If that is correct, then what is it that she offered and can potentially offer to deserve recognition tantamount to that of Suukiy? Just a question to ponder on!!
It is a good start. We are expecting the next paragraphs to this abstract/summary.
I would argue that it’s been little said about our own Daniel Bekele. We want to know more about this Ethiopian freedom fighter.
Speaking of Oxford-
As Suu Kiy, an Oxford product, is for Burma; _________, also this Uni’s fruit, is for Ethiopia. (Abiye ?, potentially)
I don’t understand the essence of your blog. Aung San Suu Kyi studied at Oxford’s St. Huge’s College; you live few meters way from the college; Daniel Bekele is a current member of the college. So what? I think you owe us some more explanation.
P.S. I know Daniel was one of the two NGO workers who were unfairly imprisoned by Woyane.
Wow Finally we have one person of principle in Ethiopia. Among the bandas and opprtunists that crowd the activism scene
@ Ewsob,
This comment is only hoping that its a genuine quest for what Birtukan means to Ethiopians. It would have been fair at least to do your little search and mention her 6 month solitary confinement in a 2 x 2 cell, not a home arrest but one of the worst in a flea infested kaliti.
Well, at least since visible to the public her deeds as a judge showed her commitment to justice (while the case was Siye et al., Vs. Meles), with her independent parliamentary candidacy to serve the public and as a vice chairwoman of Kinijit. Her firm stand and determination which sent her to the nearly two year Kaliti prison which she served with other Kinijit leaders. Her devotion of fighting tyrannay while overcoming huge piles of hurdles and life threatening situations (the challenges within her ownparty and outside), her inspiration to the millions of Ethiopian and world women, our daughters and moms – I am ready to fight, are you? Thats how she inspired millions. Her life and family situation is by far worse when considering her helpless mom and her young daughter. This is what I forward as a starting point.
dear ANOs,
ere sile haile yehone neger tsafuna enweyaybet.
By surreptitiously introducing Oxford U and thus implying you too are not ‘far’ from there, Abiye of Addisnegeronline, you have trivialized Aung San Suu Kui’s source of strength and the basis of her defiance.Thousands of Englishmen would have shown how proud they are, had the case been ‘she has lived there’. There are millions of inspirational peoples and places, stories and incidents that had far more greater influence on Aung in Burma. She didn’t go there to get inspired not you and of course not Daniel.
Bekur mesay,
Thanks for the link to the article and associated bbc interview. It was helpful.
We have to appreciate abiye for raising the point about aung san suu kyi as it is topical. He does not have to write a big article on her. She is on the cover of this week’s Time megazine,for instance, for those who want to read more about her.
That he lives in oxford would help me know him better. Having passed through all that hardship and imprisonment that daniel is currently studying in one of the most prestigious universities makes me happy for him and ethiopia.
Araia may call me naive, but I try to read what is written in front of me and don’t like to spend my time to read too much into it.