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Hamelmal Says It All

It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that Melesian autocrats receive correct and complete information about the specific concerns of their subjects only when they get direct information about such from the subjects themselves.

Hamelmal Abate: “It is only when the government knows the facts that it can work for a solution. We had to wait 20 years to get this chance to present our case, but we didn’t use it as we were supposed to…I have prepared many questions and it took me long time to prepare the questions for the PM. I was disappointed when they told me time was up. I hope we don’t have to wait another 20 years to get a chance to discuss with the PM again.”

I find this statement striking. It shows the thinking of average subjects in autocratic systems, and I don’t think it is irrational. Autocrats – even those with the best will in the world(if there are any) – cannot have the enormous amount of information and knowledge that is essential to make good decisions in the modern, complex world. But it is not just incomplete information that is the problem of autocrats. The system generates significantly incorrect information about the preferences and choices of citizens because of the massive constraints on the the public sphere that is important to sustain the autocratic rule and the tendency of public institutions of knowledge to manipulate information either to please the autocrat or to make him look decent and competent to his subjects. Some autocrats try to minimize this problem by developing an institutional arrangement, which mixes markets and decentralized systems of information and knowledge acquisition with respect to some matters and centralized authoritarian control with respect to other matters. It is obvious that Meles generally errs on the side of the latter on most matters. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that Melesian autocrats receive correct and complete information about the specific concerns of their subjects only when they get direct information about such from the subjects themselves.

22 Responses to “Hamelmal Says It All”

  1. I always ask my self and it is hard to believe for me when the Ethiopian, PM Melse Zemnwi is giving press conference, or leading a special public discussion meetings like this one, he is only addressing a preset questions. I think on this regard there is information asymmetry and I guess it wouldn’t be more than hearsay.

    Let me put two things here, all of us including those who oppose Melese at least could n’t deny the extraordinary caliber of this man and there is not as such challenging questions he would face from Ethiopian journalists who are dysfunctional in many regards of their readings.

    Secondly, PM Melese Zenawi, many number of occasions had faced by far better journalists in quality and experience from Al jazeera , BBC and CNN. In all this circumstances Melse has proved his intellectual caliber and managerial competence. ( I guess You would agree here)
    Let’s be honest this time around, where does Meles likely to face challenging questions? I hope your answer would’t at all be in the recent Ethiopian artists meeting.

    I am not sure, if However, in some press conference of Meles, if Ethiopian journalists are given preset questions, the assertion is not totally to avoid challenging questions but it would rather be to make listened the answers of some important and burning issues of the country that the Ethiopian people would like to hear. ( One may disagree here)

    At last I was pretty confused, Are these artists gather for a political discussions? I don’t think so. Sir, Then what a differences would it make, whether there were questions asked for or declined by the PM in this particular meeting?

    I might be mistaken But would there be any satisfying answer from PM about the concerns and questions of Ethiopian Artists interest? It is a dream dream….

    • teshe,

      it is not about whether the PM answer satisfy the artists or not, but her opportunity to ask him was hijacked by someone who was not there when they initially prepare the discussion program, besides, this incidence has showed me how the people with the right mind and potential are marginalized to discuss and contribute their best to the country.

  2. Ato teshome,
    this article is not about Hamelmal Abate asking question to the PM, it is about the govenrment direct contact with the people. it is about listening peoples concerns and frustrations first hand form the public.

  3. I am of the opinion that Meles and cronies know every detail of the burning issues of the Ethiopian people. But the problem is that they don’t care. For example, while 4.8 million people are starving day in day out we don’t hear a single word about them in our ETV. Instead, we hear nonstop talk of the dam fairytale seasoned with a song about Abay by some “limatawi artist”.

  4. One might rightly challenge me whether it is appropriate to compare Ethiopia with other democratic countries. However, I wonder if such kind of discussion (a leader with artists) is common in other countries. I can understand if it was part of an election campaign in the part of the PM, but there is no election in the near future. Therefore,to gather artists and discuss on various issues is quite an indulgent and unproductive undertaking. From political point of view, I don’t think artists represent a considerable segment of the public to deserve so much time and fanfare. I can’t help thinking that it is simply a publicity gimmick to the ruling party rather than a concerned consultation. Considering the rising cost of living, poverty, and the tension following the uprsing in North Africa, it would have been more meaningful if the discussion was made with a group representing the wider segment of the population such as the unemployed, retailers, peasants,,,,or the poor in general.

  5. Teshome, there are two kind of people in that country.Those dumb like you who irrespective of what is happening in the nation, always try to tell us that this guy called ‘Meles’ has a strong caliber, and there are other group who are smart enough to ignore him and ofcourse people like you and let you fall on your own trap .

    Thank God that I am not in the same group where you and meles are.

  6. 1. The PM hold discussion with intellectuals (University Professors) and he prevail i.e showed them how much books he read and his voracity in vocabularies and jargon.
    2. The PM hold discussion with business community and taught them how to do business
    3. The PM hold discussion with farmers and told them how to farm
    4. The PM hold discussion with pastorialits and of course gave them blue print on how to keep their animals
    5. The PM hold discussion with students and in deed inspire them on how to study
    6. The PM hold discussion with youth associations and told them they are tomorrows leaders
    7. The PM met with prominent journalists from Arab world, the western world and eastern world and of course demonstrated his knowledge and capacity
    8. All the rest I missed

    He remain to meet
    1. women
    2. Elderly
    3. Children
    4. Representative from each and every ethnic, clan, or language group

    All these in addition to his contract agreement with us, the people or may be the subjects.

    In deed he is smart, because he is a solution to all.
    The king used to travel and name places and people. The derg, motto here and there.
    Now we have a leader who sits in palace and meet them all there.

  7. Aynu

    You can’t and shouldn’t say everything and anything about what you know and don’t know about Ethiopia and Ethiopian politics. Please stay focus on the topic and of course you have a lot to say about it. At least the writer has spent a considerable time, stress and mind to write this piece and give him his due when it is necessary. OK sir

    • Teshe

      The issue here is whether or not dictators like Meles “receive correct and complete information about the specific concerns of their subjects”. Abiye puts his own opinion on the issue. I also put mine. You have every right to agree or disagree. But it is funny that you advised me of staying focused on the topic. Well, if you read my comment again, you will notice that it is straight to the point. Just look at the comments of other participants of this blog about you above? All of them say you didn’t get the point. Now tell me who needs to stay focused to the issue under discussion?

  8. Please lets avoid the personal cult devotion and focus on building a democratic institutions that diectly serves the people. I am neither a supporter nor a big fan of melessisem,even though the guy has a talent and a capacity of leading a nation that has millions of problems. I beleive that meles’s talent derives from the collective leadership abilities of his party EPRDF. He just delivers what his party told him to do so. In my perspective, Meles is a good driver of an old car. He just makes the car move regardless of the over-heating sign. Thats hard for many drivers.

  9. I find the following from the post offensive: Number one: Hamalmal is not an average Ethiopia. If you had lived in Ethiopia you would have had a chance to meet an average citizen and the kind of issues that concerns him/her.
    Number two: You said her question, as a thinking average citizen (whatever meanings you wanted to attach to it) is not irrational. How could you say that? Irrational? Hmmmm!
    Number three: I love Hamelmal! I find this statement striking. It shows the thinking of average subjects in autocratic systems, and I don’t think it is irrational

  10. What kind of PM we have? He wants to be smart. But he is not. He wants to put his hand in everywhere. He is telling us we are nothing without him. We eat, drink, work, sleep and dream because of his kindness.

  11. Mr.Teshome…z retard; it just irritates me how you and z likes u rally behind dictators just for z sake of being a cadre; if you know Ethiopian politics,I bet you are produced from civil service college; z likes of u is z main reason zat many people can’t go back to their beloved country;

  12. No body has answers except him, even the socalled ministers fall asleep, in front lines, whenever he opens his mouth and talk nonsense for hours to the non stop gatherings his dogs arrange to this or that group. I do not know how, if one is not in love of hearing himself and sociopath, even remmembers what he said in the thousands of hours he has been opning his nasty mouth. Had it not been in meleses Ethiopia peole, if they have to, talk to the honerable, professional and accountable law abiding officials and solve their problems. But, he made it his life’s mission for about 40 years now not to give any chance for such kind of people, with the exception of his dogs and opportunistic ones who would do gladly anything he wants them to do while not forgetting who is the god.

    That is why every interest group, those this one was choriographed by Arawit ye derge-serawit-cum-limatawi artist.

  13. This Teshome fellow is either a failed cadre trying to revive his position or most probably some typical `agobgwabi`you find in any gossip center.Teshome,readers here are way beyond your tiny intellect,so go and find someplace to play “mamo-killo’.

  14. The answer is yes dictators will not get the correct information, especially about the ordinary citizens. Same is true for democracies- lobbiest and big firms, stm outsiders, such as Israelites in USA, can be heard more than the ordinary citizens.

    The difference is government is too small to matter in democracies

  15. Teshome,
    What is the your measurement to say Extraordinary or not? i hope it will be the answer for the given question. Have you ever listened Meles’s reply? Please Look the Following Videos, how he is ridiculous.
    2. Listen the Colombia University Speech and, Question and Answer
    4. ETC

    You can say 2+2 =3 for the specific condition, but it is far from natural truth.

    i can mention so many sources, but if are really from your heart one is enough. Don’t think for your bread rather than for the coming generation. Have you ever think about your children?

    Finally, what i want to tell you. Please, your point is far from the case. Read again what Hamelmal Abat is said. What is the need of mentioning the intelligence of Meles? Meles will pass tomorrow, but Ethiopian people will live forever. Be with those modest, genuine, kind and poor people. Don’t be a man of Banana like your leader!!!

  16. 1. The PM hold discussion with intellectuals (University Professors) and he prevail i.e showed them how much books he read and his voracity in vocabularies and jargon.
    2. The PM hold discussion with business community and taught them how to do business
    3. The PM hold discussion with farmers and told them how to farm
    4. The PM hold discussion with pastorialits and of course gave them blue print on how to keep their animals
    5. The PM hold discussion with students and in deed inspire them on how to study
    6. The PM hold discussion with youth associations and told them they are tomorrows leaders
    7. The PM met with prominent journalists from Arab world, the western world and eastern world and of course demonstrated his knowledge and capacity
    8. All the rest I missed

    He remain to meet
    1. women
    2. Elderly
    3. Children
    4. Representative from each and every ethnic, clan, or language group

  17. Glamorizing tyrant happens because of absence or lack of public forum (including independent media) for other alternative (competitor) to be heard, absence or lack of independent institutions to gather factual public information and a constant propaganda and violence of the tyrant to confuse the public and scare off the alternatives respectively.

    Under that scenario assessing the performance of a tyrant (as high caliber, smart, well read…) is like saying the food is good in one restaurant town.

    Teshome is a cadre that gets a free meal in the only restaurant, the average person is confused have no choice but to eat there and wonder when it is going to be better and the rest of us demand for more restaurants that will put the one restaurant out of business.

    The challenge is not the tyrant that prepares the food in the only restaurant in town but the cadres that do not know the taste of good food but claim the only food they get is good and wonder why we do not like it.

    That is why we remain a banana republic with one restaurant when the rest of the world is moving on. Get rid of cadres the tyrant have no choice but to close down.

  18. SA
    Thanks for the link. That sounds cool. What and where is your problem?

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