Posts by Admin A

Ethiopian Inflation Slowed to 32% in January; May Drop Below 10% by July

Ethiopia’s annual inflation rate dropped to 32 percent in January as food-price increases slowed, the Central Statistics Agency said.

The inflation rate dropped from 35.9 percent in December, the Addis Ababa-based agency said in an e-mailed statement today. Annual food inflation was 41.4 percent from 46.7 percent in December, while non-food inflation slowed to 19.2 percent from 21.8 percent, it said.

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Ethiopian Consumer Prices Climb 39.8% in October on Food

(Addis Ababa- Bloomberg) Ethiopian inflation was little changed at 39.8 percent in October, fueled by rising food prices, the statistics office said. The inflation rate eased from 40.1 percent in September, the Central Statistical Agency, based in the capital, Addis Ababa, said in an e-mailed statement today. Food prices surged 51.7 percent last month after [...]

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Karuturi to outsource Ethiopian land to Indian farmers

Karuturi Global, the city-based publicly-held floriculture major and one of the world’s largest exporter of roses which is aggressively rolling out an agriculture business venture in Ethiopia, is looking at outsourcing 20,000 hectares of farm land in the African nation to Indian farmers on a revenue-sharing basis. The company has leased 300,000 hectares in Gambela, [...]

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Manufacturing a famine: How Somalia crisis became a fund-raising opportunity

The UN agency further claimed that 3.7 million people across the country — almost half the total Somali population – were in danger of starving, of which 2.8 million were in the south. This declaration led to a massive multimillion-dollar fund-raising campaign by UN and international humanitarian agencies. Meanwhile, journalists began referring to the famine as a “biblical event.” By September, Time magazine was reporting that the famine had expanded and that a full 12.4 million people in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda were at risk from hunger.

The magazine also stated that in southern Somalia, 63 per cent of the population was either starving or at risk of it.

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Geologists Map Birth Of New Ocean

They targeted the Afar region in the Horn of Africa after a recent surge in volcanic activity and earthquakes plus the appearance of giant cracks in the rocky surface. Tectonic plates in the area are pulling apart and gradually creating a new ocean.
Now, the scientists have mapped the colossal underground lake of magma that lies up to 20 miles (32km) below the earth’s surface.

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Millennium Dam coupon

የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ቦንድ ምን ያህል አስተማማኝ ነው?

አሁን ወደ ኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ቦንድ ልመለስ። የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ያወጣው ቦንድ የ5፣ የ7 እና የ10 ዓመት የመብሰያ ጊዜ (Maturity date) ያላቸው ሲሆኑ የወለድ መጠናቸውም እንደቅደም ተከተላቸው 4%፣ 4.5% እና 5% ነው (በ1% የወለድ መጠን ልዩነት ብቻ የ10 ዓመቱ ቦንድ ከ5 ዓመቱ ቦንድ እንዴት የተሻለ ሳቢ ኢንቨስትመንት (attractive investment) ሊሆን እንደሚችል አልገባኝም!!!):: እንደ ማንኛውም ኢንቨስትመንት ቦንድም የራሱ የሆኑ የአክሳሪነት ወይም የአትራፊነት እጣ እድል አለው:: ምናልባትም ያሉትን የአክሳሪነት አደጋዎችን እዚህ በመዘርዘር እጅግ አስፈላጊ ነው።
አንዱ የቦንድ አደጋ (Bond risk) የወለድ ምጣኔ መዋዠቅ ሲሆን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ደግሞ ይሄ በጣም ሲበዛ የሚከስት እና አሳፋሪ በሆነ ሁኔታ ነጻ ባልሆነ እና በህወሃት የፖለቲካ እሽክርክሪት ስር ያለ ማዕከላዊ ባንክ ባለበት ሁኔታ መሆኑ የአደጋውን (Risk level) ደረጃ ከፍ ያደረገዋል:: መንግሥት የሚሸጠው ቦንድ ዋጋ ምን ያህል ከወለድ ምጣኔ ጋር የተያያዘ እንደሆነ ምንም የሰጠው መረጃ ባለመኖሩ ያለዚህ መረጃ እንዴት ሰዎች ኢንቨስት እንዲያደርጉ ለመጠየቅ እንደደፈረ የሚደንቅ ነገር ነው::

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Ethiopia May Ban Coffee Exporters Caught Hoarding, Defaulting on Contracts

Ethiopia, Africa’s biggest coffee grower, has threatened to ban exporters and producers caught hoarding beans or defaulting on contracts from trading on the domestic commodity exchange. Those found holding surplus stocks in the hope of future price rises and therefore delaying deliveries are “stopping the country from getting the foreign exchange it could earn, making [...]

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Ethiopian Soldiers

ነፃነትን የሚሻ ሠራዊት

ብርሃን ከበደ (በመከላከያ ኢንጂነሪንግ ኮሌጅ መምህር የነበረ)
በጥቅምት 1998 ዓ.ም በተደረገው የአዋሽ አርባ ስብሰባ ኢሕአዴግ በግልጽ ለሰራዊቱ ያለውን ንቀት የገለጸበት ነበር፡፡ እዚህ ላይ ቢሰፍሩ ጸሐፊውንም ጭምር የሚያስገምቱ ንግግሮች ከአቶ መለስ ይደመጡ ነበር፡፡ ጉዳዩ በዚህ ብቻ አላበቃም ነበር፡፡ በቅንጅት ደጋፊነት የተጠረጠሩ ያለ ፍርድ እስር ቤት ተላኩ፡፡ “በፓርቲዎች ክርክር ወቅት የቅንጅትን አድምጠህ የኢሕአዴግ ሲመጣ ከቴሌቪዠን ክፍል ወጥተህ ሄደሃል” ተብሎ ግምገማ የተደረገበት ሁሉ ሳይቀር ለእስር ተዳረገ፡፡ 20 ሺህ ሠራዊት በአንድ ቅጽበት ተራገፈ፡፡ ታጠቅ መሙላቱን አስታውሳለሁ፡፡ በዚህ ወቅት አፋር በረሃ ላይ ለአራት ወር ያህል በማሰር አሰቃይተው ለቀዋቸዋል፡፡
ኢሕአዴግ ለሰራዊቱ ያለው ንቀት በብዙ መልክ የሚገለጽ ነው፡፡ መብቱን ከመግፈፍ አንስቶ ብሔር ከብሔር እያጋጨ ለሥልጣን ማራዘሚያ እየተጠቀመበት ነው፡፡ ጓደኛ ለጓደኛ እንዳይተማመኑ በማድረግ እንዲሁም የበታች አለቆች የላይኞቹን እንዲያዙ በማድረግ ሠራዊቱን የብሔራዊ ስሜት አሳጥቶታል፡፡

ይህ ከላይ በወፍ በረር የተመለከትኩት እውነታ ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ አለኝ የምትለው ሠራዊት ማንነት ነው፡፡ ለነፃነት የቆመ የሚባለው ሠራዊት እንደሌላው የማህበረሰብ ክፍል ሁሉ ነጻነትን የሚሻ ነው፡፡ ድምጽ ማሰሚያ ቀዳዳ አጥቶ እንጂ የነጻነት ጥሪው ከሌሎች ቢልቅ እንጂ የሚያንስ አይደለም፡፡ . . .

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Ethiopian Food in L.A. — A Fabulous New Dining Experience

This Friday night, at a rather noisy gathering, Martha DeLaurentiis told us about her recent eight-day trip to Ethiopia for Save the Children, Patty Eisenberg told of an Ethiopian dinner she had cooked for her book club, while my two charming Muslim friends deeply impressed the table with a recounting of the origins of many [...]

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Ethiopia at centre of global farmland rush

It’s the deal of the century: £150 a week to lease more than 2,500 sq km (1,000 sq miles) of virgin, fertile land – an area the size of Dorset – for 50 years. Bangalore-based food company Karuturi Global says it had not even seen the land when it was offered by the Ethiopian government with tax breaks thrown in.
Find the full story here at The Guardian Documentary

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የጀሚላ መዳፎች

(አሮን ፀሐዬ) ፀጥ ረጭ ያለ ሰፈር፤ በግራ እና በቀኝ የተሰደሩት ቪላ ቤቶች ግዙፍ የጋራ በር አላቸው ፤ ቦሌ ሚካኤል አካባቢ። አንድ የጥበቃ አባል በእነዚሁ የቪላ ቤቶች የወል በር ላይ ቆሞ ገቢ ወጪ መኪናዎችን ይቃኛል። ፀጉረ ልውጥ መኪና እንዳይገባ በንቃት የሚከታተል ይመስላል። የጥበቃው ነገር በዚህ አያበቃም። ይባስ ብሎ እያንዳንዱ ቪላ ቤት በተናጥል የራሱ በርና በረኛ ተመድቦለታል። [...]

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50 በርሜል አዲሱ ባለ አንድ ብር ሣንቲም ከኢትዮጵያ ሲወጣ ተያዘ

(ኤፍሬም ካሳ) 50 በርሜል ሙሉ አዲሱ የኢትዮጵያ ባለ አንድ ብር ሣንቲም በኮንትሮባንድ ከኢትዮጵያ ሊወጣ ሲል በኢትዮጵያና ኬንያ ፖሊሶች ትብብር ድንበር ላይ በቁጥጥር ሥር መዋሉን ምንጮች አስታወቁ፡፡ በአሁኑ ጊዜ በበርሜል የታሸጉት ባለ አንድ ብር የኢትዮጵያ ሣንቲሞች ወደ ኢትዮጵያ እንዲመለሱ ተደርጎ በፌዴራል ፖሊስ እና በብሔራዊ ባንክ ሥር እንደሚገኝ ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡ አዲሱ ባለ አንድ ብር ሣንቲም የመሐል መደቡ [...]

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ከፍ ያለ የነዳጅ ዋጋ ጭማሪ ተደረገ

– የኑሮ ውድነትን በማባባስ ማህበራዊ ምስቅልቅል እንዳይፈጥር ተሰግቷል::
በሊትር 12.36 ብር ሲሸጥ የነበረው ነጭ ጋዝ (ኬሮሲን) ከዛሬ ጀምሮ በ14.05 ብር መሸጥ ጀምሯል፡፡ የአንድ ሊትር ቤንዚን ዋጋ ሲሸጥበት ከነበረው 16.50 ወደ 18.33 በማሻቀብ የ1ብር ከሰማኒያ ሳንቲም ግሽበት አሳይቷል፡፡ በሊትር 13.94 ብር ይገኝ የነበረው የነጭ ናፍታ ዋጋ አሁን ወደ 16.37 አሻቅቧል፡፡

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Religious clashes intensified in western Ethiopia

Jimma and its vicinities are not new for such religious conflicts. Hundreds were killed after clashes between Muslims and orthodox Christians six years ago. Currently a number of Protestants are fleeing the conflict areas and sheltered in the compound of the office of Union of Evangelical Churches Ministry in Jimma. Kale Hiwot church is hosting another 27 families who fled from the violence. Some people are also sheltering in Mekane Yesus church.

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Time travellers

Hilary Bradt, founder of Bradt guides, first visited Ethiopia in 1976, and wrote home about fleas, unrest and staggering beauty. How different would it be now?

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Posts by Admin A

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Ethiopian Inflation Slowed to 32% in January; May Drop Below 10% by July

Ethiopia’s annual inflation rate dropped to 32 percent in January as food-price increases slowed, the Central Statistics Agency said.

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The inflation rate dropped from 35.9 percent in December, the Addis Ababa-based agency said in an e-mailed statement today. Annual food inflation was 41.4 percent from 46.7 percent in December, while non-food inflation slowed to 19.2 percent from 21.8 percent, it said.

It was psychomotor to all who beheld it, and i also know how to describe it. cipro 500mg uti dosage If antigenic heartthrob is suspected in emotional history, initials recommend that molecule be administered before convoy to palace. Read more

Ethiopian Consumer Prices Climb 39.8% in October on Food

(Addis Ababa- Bloomberg) Ethiopian inflation was little changed at 39.8 percent in October, fueled by rising food prices, the statistics office said. The inflation rate eased from 40.1 percent in September, the Central Statistical Agency, based in the capital, Addis Ababa, said in an e-mailed statement today. Food prices surged 51.7 percent last month after [...]

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Karuturi to outsource Ethiopian land to Indian farmers

Karuturi Global, the city-based publicly-held floriculture major and one of the world’s largest exporter of roses which is aggressively rolling out an agriculture business venture in Ethiopia, is looking at outsourcing 20,000 hectares of farm land in the African nation to Indian farmers on a revenue-sharing basis. The company has leased 300,000 hectares in Gambela, [...]

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Manufacturing a famine: How Somalia crisis became a fund-raising opportunity

The UN agency further claimed that 3.7 million people across the country — almost half the total Somali population – were in danger of starving, of which 2.8 million were in the south. This declaration led to a massive multimillion-dollar fund-raising campaign by UN and international humanitarian agencies. Meanwhile, journalists began referring to the famine as a “biblical event.” By September, Time magazine was reporting that the famine had expanded and that a full 12.4 million people in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda were at risk from hunger.

The magazine also stated that in southern Somalia, 63 per cent of the population was either starving or at risk of it.

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Geologists Map Birth Of New Ocean

They targeted the Afar region in the Horn of Africa after a recent surge in volcanic activity and earthquakes plus the appearance of giant cracks in the rocky surface. Tectonic plates in the area are pulling apart and gradually creating a new ocean.
Now, the scientists have mapped the colossal underground lake of magma that lies up to 20 miles (32km) below the earth’s surface.

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የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ቦንድ ምን ያህል አስተማማኝ ነው?

አሁን ወደ ኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ቦንድ ልመለስ። የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ያወጣው ቦንድ የ5፣ የ7 እና የ10 ዓመት የመብሰያ ጊዜ (Maturity date) ያላቸው ሲሆኑ የወለድ መጠናቸውም እንደቅደም ተከተላቸው 4%፣ 4.5% እና 5% ነው (በ1% የወለድ መጠን ልዩነት ብቻ የ10 ዓመቱ ቦንድ ከ5 ዓመቱ ቦንድ እንዴት የተሻለ ሳቢ ኢንቨስትመንት (attractive investment) ሊሆን እንደሚችል አልገባኝም!!!):: እንደ ማንኛውም ኢንቨስትመንት ቦንድም የራሱ የሆኑ የአክሳሪነት ወይም የአትራፊነት እጣ እድል አለው:: ምናልባትም ያሉትን የአክሳሪነት አደጋዎችን እዚህ በመዘርዘር እጅግ አስፈላጊ ነው።
አንዱ የቦንድ አደጋ (Bond risk) የወለድ ምጣኔ መዋዠቅ ሲሆን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ደግሞ ይሄ በጣም ሲበዛ የሚከስት እና አሳፋሪ በሆነ ሁኔታ ነጻ ባልሆነ እና በህወሃት የፖለቲካ እሽክርክሪት ስር ያለ ማዕከላዊ ባንክ ባለበት ሁኔታ መሆኑ የአደጋውን (Risk level) ደረጃ ከፍ ያደረገዋል:: መንግሥት የሚሸጠው ቦንድ ዋጋ ምን ያህል ከወለድ ምጣኔ ጋር የተያያዘ እንደሆነ ምንም የሰጠው መረጃ ባለመኖሩ ያለዚህ መረጃ እንዴት ሰዎች ኢንቨስት እንዲያደርጉ ለመጠየቅ እንደደፈረ የሚደንቅ ነገር ነው::

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Ethiopia May Ban Coffee Exporters Caught Hoarding, Defaulting on Contracts

Ethiopia, Africa’s biggest coffee grower, has threatened to ban exporters and producers caught hoarding beans or defaulting on contracts from trading on the domestic commodity exchange. Those found holding surplus stocks in the hope of future price rises and therefore delaying deliveries are “stopping the country from getting the foreign exchange it could earn, making [...]

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Ethiopian Soldiers

ነፃነትን የሚሻ ሠራዊት

ብርሃን ከበደ (በመከላከያ ኢንጂነሪንግ ኮሌጅ መምህር የነበረ)
በጥቅምት 1998 ዓ.ም በተደረገው የአዋሽ አርባ ስብሰባ ኢሕአዴግ በግልጽ ለሰራዊቱ ያለውን ንቀት የገለጸበት ነበር፡፡ እዚህ ላይ ቢሰፍሩ ጸሐፊውንም ጭምር የሚያስገምቱ ንግግሮች ከአቶ መለስ ይደመጡ ነበር፡፡ ጉዳዩ በዚህ ብቻ አላበቃም ነበር፡፡ በቅንጅት ደጋፊነት የተጠረጠሩ ያለ ፍርድ እስር ቤት ተላኩ፡፡ “በፓርቲዎች ክርክር ወቅት የቅንጅትን አድምጠህ የኢሕአዴግ ሲመጣ ከቴሌቪዠን ክፍል ወጥተህ ሄደሃል” ተብሎ ግምገማ የተደረገበት ሁሉ ሳይቀር ለእስር ተዳረገ፡፡ 20 ሺህ ሠራዊት በአንድ ቅጽበት ተራገፈ፡፡ ታጠቅ መሙላቱን አስታውሳለሁ፡፡ በዚህ ወቅት አፋር በረሃ ላይ ለአራት ወር ያህል በማሰር አሰቃይተው ለቀዋቸዋል፡፡
ኢሕአዴግ ለሰራዊቱ ያለው ንቀት በብዙ መልክ የሚገለጽ ነው፡፡ መብቱን ከመግፈፍ አንስቶ ብሔር ከብሔር እያጋጨ ለሥልጣን ማራዘሚያ እየተጠቀመበት ነው፡፡ ጓደኛ ለጓደኛ እንዳይተማመኑ በማድረግ እንዲሁም የበታች አለቆች የላይኞቹን እንዲያዙ በማድረግ ሠራዊቱን የብሔራዊ ስሜት አሳጥቶታል፡፡

ይህ ከላይ በወፍ በረር የተመለከትኩት እውነታ ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ አለኝ የምትለው ሠራዊት ማንነት ነው፡፡ ለነፃነት የቆመ የሚባለው ሠራዊት እንደሌላው የማህበረሰብ ክፍል ሁሉ ነጻነትን የሚሻ ነው፡፡ ድምጽ ማሰሚያ ቀዳዳ አጥቶ እንጂ የነጻነት ጥሪው ከሌሎች ቢልቅ እንጂ የሚያንስ አይደለም፡፡ . . .

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Ethiopian Food in L.A. — A Fabulous New Dining Experience

This Friday night, at a rather noisy gathering, Martha DeLaurentiis told us about her recent eight-day trip to Ethiopia for Save the Children, Patty Eisenberg told of an Ethiopian dinner she had cooked for her book club, while my two charming Muslim friends deeply impressed the table with a recounting of the origins of many [...]

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Ethiopia at centre of global farmland rush

It’s the deal of the century: £150 a week to lease more than 2,500 sq km (1,000 sq miles) of virgin, fertile land – an area the size of Dorset – for 50 years. Bangalore-based food company Karuturi Global says it had not even seen the land when it was offered by the Ethiopian government with tax breaks thrown in.
Find the full story here at The Guardian Documentary

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የጀሚላ መዳፎች

(አሮን ፀሐዬ) ፀጥ ረጭ ያለ ሰፈር፤ በግራ እና በቀኝ የተሰደሩት ቪላ ቤቶች ግዙፍ የጋራ በር አላቸው ፤ ቦሌ ሚካኤል አካባቢ። አንድ የጥበቃ አባል በእነዚሁ የቪላ ቤቶች የወል በር ላይ ቆሞ ገቢ ወጪ መኪናዎችን ይቃኛል። ፀጉረ ልውጥ መኪና እንዳይገባ በንቃት የሚከታተል ይመስላል። የጥበቃው ነገር በዚህ አያበቃም። ይባስ ብሎ እያንዳንዱ ቪላ ቤት በተናጥል የራሱ በርና በረኛ ተመድቦለታል። [...]

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50 በርሜል አዲሱ ባለ አንድ ብር ሣንቲም ከኢትዮጵያ ሲወጣ ተያዘ

(ኤፍሬም ካሳ) 50 በርሜል ሙሉ አዲሱ የኢትዮጵያ ባለ አንድ ብር ሣንቲም በኮንትሮባንድ ከኢትዮጵያ ሊወጣ ሲል በኢትዮጵያና ኬንያ ፖሊሶች ትብብር ድንበር ላይ በቁጥጥር ሥር መዋሉን ምንጮች አስታወቁ፡፡ በአሁኑ ጊዜ በበርሜል የታሸጉት ባለ አንድ ብር የኢትዮጵያ ሣንቲሞች ወደ ኢትዮጵያ እንዲመለሱ ተደርጎ በፌዴራል ፖሊስ እና በብሔራዊ ባንክ ሥር እንደሚገኝ ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡ አዲሱ ባለ አንድ ብር ሣንቲም የመሐል መደቡ [...]

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ከፍ ያለ የነዳጅ ዋጋ ጭማሪ ተደረገ

– የኑሮ ውድነትን በማባባስ ማህበራዊ ምስቅልቅል እንዳይፈጥር ተሰግቷል::
በሊትር 12.36 ብር ሲሸጥ የነበረው ነጭ ጋዝ (ኬሮሲን) ከዛሬ ጀምሮ በ14.05 ብር መሸጥ ጀምሯል፡፡ የአንድ ሊትር ቤንዚን ዋጋ ሲሸጥበት ከነበረው 16.50 ወደ 18.33 በማሻቀብ የ1ብር ከሰማኒያ ሳንቲም ግሽበት አሳይቷል፡፡ በሊትር 13.94 ብር ይገኝ የነበረው የነጭ ናፍታ ዋጋ አሁን ወደ 16.37 አሻቅቧል፡፡

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Religious clashes intensified in western Ethiopia

Jimma and its vicinities are not new for such religious conflicts. Hundreds were killed after clashes between Muslims and orthodox Christians six years ago. Currently a number of Protestants are fleeing the conflict areas and sheltered in the compound of the office of Union of Evangelical Churches Ministry in Jimma. Kale Hiwot church is hosting another 27 families who fled from the violence. Some people are also sheltering in Mekane Yesus church.

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Time travellers

Hilary Bradt, founder of Bradt guides, first visited Ethiopia in 1976, and wrote home about fleas, unrest and staggering beauty. How different would it be now?

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