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Ethiopia’s Leadership Void

When was the last time where we saw mothers or fathers being appreciated for being model parents? Which religious leader deserves to be called an advocate of human rights and justice in Ethiopia out of conviction for a socially relevant belief? Do we have somebody anywhere close to personalities like Archbishop Desmond Tutu? How successful have we become in producing successful athletes, musicians, artists, philosophers and thinkers that we can look up to as leaders? When was the last time we have read famous literary works in the ranks of “Fikir Eske Mekaber” or “Adefris”? In almost every aspect of our national life, there is a decline and, even worse, a glaring lack of iconic leaders-role models that the young generation could look up to.

There is something striking about the popular media culture of the United States. Almost every headline, breaking news, report or documentary revolves around personalities who have excelled in one or another undertaking of society. Iconic parents who persevered hard times and succeeded in bringing up kids are recognized, rewarded and appreciated nationally every year. In 2010, it was the Ethiopian Almaz, “Little A,” who has an incredible story of raising four kids on a cleaning job of a hospital that hit the limelight. She was the American mother of the year! The same holds true for fathers who are also appreciated and recognized every year by the same fashion. This way parenting, leading and guiding children to responsible adulthood are endorsed by the public at large.

Religious institutions strive to be socially relevant. Not only do they preach, but also are concerned for the welfare of the aged, the handicapped, the orphaned and diseased. Churches organize charity events, community interventions, and guidance and counseling services to attend the needs of the everyday neighbor. Martin Luther King is a living embodiment of a social gospel that fought against racial segregation, inequality and poverty in America. Those powerful ideals of truth, justice and non-violence were the weapons that helped forward the cause of the civil rights movement.

Icons in sports; their rise and fall are also the main stay of the American media. While basketball, football or golf players are regarded as role models who have excelled in their respective discipline, the close scrutiny of their life and the rain of criticism they get upon failure is unbelievable. The unraveling saga of Tiger Woods is a case in point here. The attention the public gives is so much so that these stars come out in public to admit their wrongdoings and seek public apology. They have to say the magic word to get atoned, “I am sorry!” (Two phrases that seem to recur everyday in this country are “Thank You” and “I am sorry!”) . The latter is a rare commodity in my country.

It seems there is a threshold of moral integrity that the public expects from figures like this. Failing to uphold that, an individual risks team membership, business contracts, advertisement deals, etc. Recent entertainment genres like “American Idol”, “So you think you can dance” are even more interesting. They are Athenian democracies where the public votes out contenders to qualify its own celebrity! Fareed Zakaria once called this phenomenon the “democratization of entertainment”. Just like their political counterparts, celebrities are leaders in opinion, lifestyle, and fashion but checked and monitored by constant public scrutiny.

A short stroll in a public park, city hall, museum or library offers you the everyday heroes of the town whose names are inscribed on chairs, statutes, lamp stands, building walls etc. These are people who may have gardened a community park, managed a small public library, worked as relentless community organizers here and there. In short, the world is full of leaders in almost every sphere of life! And media moguls like Oprah Winfrey love to write, speak, narrate and discuss about these leaders.

Let us turn the attention to Ethiopia. When was the last time where we saw mothers or fathers being appreciated for being model parents? Which religious leader deserves to be called an advocate of human rights and justice in Ethiopia out of conviction for a socially relevant belief? Do we have somebody anywhere close to personalities like Archbishop Desmond Tutu? How successful have we become in producing successful athletes, musicians, artists, philosophers and thinkers that we can look up to as leaders? When was the last time we have read famous literary works in the ranks of “Fikir Eske Mekaber” or “Adefris”? In almost every aspect of our national life, there is a decline and, even worse, a glaring lack of iconic leaders-role models that the young generation could look up to. A post mortem list of such figures would have people like Aklilu Lemma, Haddis Alemayehu, Tsegaye G Medhin, Gebre Kiristos Desta, Ashenafi Kebede, Wogayehu Negatu, etc. Some, like the children story teller, Tesfaye Sahle, and senior athletics coach, Wolde Meskel Kostre, do not seem to have replacements at all. What a staggering deficit of leadership?!!

For once, let us put aside our politicians whose integrity, vision and resolve, to say the least, is disappointing. I think it is time to reflect on this broader phenomenon, ask and interact on what the root causes of such void are. Does culture have something to explain the leadership void by way of cultivating, promoting and succeeding leaders in Ethiopia? Is it age old authoritarianism that has simply hampered every facet of our social sphere? Or is it simply our underdog status in socio-economic development that has deprived us of a vibrant civil society in the Lockean sense?

Even more, do we need ‘leaders’ or ‘institutions’ to realize the much vaunted virtues of freedom and development? The latest wisdom a la Barack Obama is that Africa needs strong institutions, and not strong men. But how can you effect democratic institutional practices while every power is vested in the hands of personalities whose rule, at best, is whimsical, and at worst, is tyrannical. These are mind boggling questions that, in fact, need think leaders to grapple with. In the words of Edwin H Friedman, “Leadership is the capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a better vision of the future.” Who has that salt?

52 Responses to “Ethiopia’s Leadership Void”

  1. This is a question that really needs to be asked. We need national icons. They are one way or the other a glue in sticking together the society. We need national heroes that we revere irrespective of their tribe and origin. There is a serious deficit. We have come to a level where in a country of more that eighty million people a full time manipulative dictator called Zenawi has become the only wise man. It is a shame and it is a disgrace. Derese has raised a very important point.

  2. I am disapointed that the writer, who otherwise raises quite a valid point, has forgotten the many individual Ethiopians who are just that- role models! I am also a bit amazed that he forgot to mention Haile G. Selassie. Haile is a leader in every sense of the term…a model par excellence. It seems to me that some of us are too much carried away by what is going on in other places that we simply don’t see the small and big things around us.

    • It is rather hard for me to consider Haile as a leader…or better to say a leader for what? Athletics? Business? Social Justice? or what? I think ICONS are not measured by someone success a success safely guarded only to him…no even a single foundation to promote others and be available to others…Has he even been to one of the elementary school and talk to kids…just to motivate them..has he even lectured in one of the universities about anything? Has he ever involved in a community based association or advocacy to revamp the community he is part of?
      If you think everyone who come to you for some help in helping other is all about money…then you failed the fist test to be considered as an icon…I might be wrong and I stand to be corrected.

  3. I believe we were losing this qualities…but by the time some start to sing for the only person in power for the last 20 years and argued that it has to be elongated…I say it is an uphill battle to get somebody as a national icon in literature, music, social life achievements is becoming harder to come by.

  4. Mulugeta M Ayalew 10 August 2010 at 5:30 pm

    How could you infer ‘leadership void’ from absence of forum or culture of praising leaders? Was not Little A an amazing mother even before she comes to the limelight? She was. Or do you mean that the culture of praising and honouring leaders is sine qua non for having leaders and successful people. What a waste of ‘ink’–you assumed instead of proving an empirical fact, the presence or absence of leaders and role-models. Well, assuming was not that bad if you had the objective of explaining it–but you did not provide any decent theory to explain other than some other unsubstantiated assumptions.

  5. Mallefia. I mentioned Haile as an obvious example. Haile has inspired a generation of young men and women to look beyond the horizon. Speak to many young athletes, businessmen or those engaged in any other trade, they will tell you how he has touched their lives. When Haile won some of his first medals, he barely spoke in English. Now is our global ambassador. He is a successful businessman who is teaching countless individuals how to work hard, invest in their own country and value each penny. He cherishes family values and is engaged in numerous charities.
    Our difference on Haile is not the issue. Here is the bigger problem we are facing. Our media idolises someone’s hero and heroine. We are so rootless that we don’t see what we have. Our division within also mean that my hero is someone’s villain.

  6. I agree!! Even there could be a probability for the creation of power vacuum that might entertain the military. The absence of popular leaders in 1970s had brought Mengistu to take the leadership and power of the country. In recent time, with the increased ethnic consciousness and increasing absence of leaders to lead existed institutions in the country heighten the chance of state collapse.

  7. we have kenenisa, haile, abebech gobena, birtukan mideksa, bulcha demeksa, ababa tesfaye, liya kebede, teddy afro

    we have many icons and leaders

  8. we have kenenisa, haile, abebech gobena, birtukan mideksa, bulcha demeksa, ababa tesfaye, liya kebede, teddy afro

    let me add some more:athlets Tirunesh Dibaba and Derartu tulu politician Berhanu Nega and professor Mesfin, comedian Tamagne Beyene, Patriarch Abune Merkorios chef Mark Samuelson, Fashion Maya Haile, Science Ejigu, sure we have many more icons, the problem is we are not ready to recognize and celebrate what is ours. Let’s not lament start to like what is ours.

    • Your list is telling. Celebrities mixed with some highly controversial and hugely disappointing political leaders. The point is not about naming names; it is looking for real leaders and icons who can be role models for this generation. Birhanu Nega, a man who once had the credibility and trust of Ethiopians left Ethiopian when a party he, along with others, made the people’s last hope for change was on the verge of complete disintegration. From America, he blamed the other leaders for the woes of the the party and declared a new political strategy without even explaining why he abandoned the strategy he passionately advocated few months earlier in a book he wrote while he was in prison. In September 2007, young Ethiopians chose him as their man of the year in a poll by Fortune. Three years later, some of them couldn’t even trace where he is. If he is our best leader. we are in serious, serious s***.

    • no tirunesh is not comparable to haile, who is more outspoken about issues.

      and berhanu nega, mesfin and tamagne beyene are more divisive than birtukan and bulcha.

      birtukan and bulcha are the true symbols of nonviolent struggle for change in ethiopia and they are dedicated to peace and love as foundation. so let us not put berhanu and mesfin in the same catagory as birtukan and bulcha.

      abune merkorios is not leader for the same reason abune paulos is not leader. they are both divisive.

      i should add aster aweke, instead of teddy afro because she has no political musician like teddy. if she talks all of us would listen, just like tilahun .

  9. Derese Getachew 10 August 2010 at 7:52 pm

    Dear Mulugetha

    Leadership is not just about achieving things, its also about the recognition society gives to such personalities and their wider impact on society-particularly their impact on young people. My answer to you is yes the absence of cultural and political practices that stifle excellence and freedom in every aspect of our life are detrimental factors for not having as many leaders as we wish.

    One more thing, this is a newspaper blog and an opinion piece..it is not an empirical research finding..My arguments are subject to be tested and may as well prove to be’substantiated’. Thanks for reflecting on such a “waste of ink”, though.

    Dear Bereket Mallefia et al

    The above reason is why a global celebrated athlete like Haile Gebresellasie is a bone of contention here. Some say he is a leader par excellence, others say he still needs to work more in terms of charity, inspiring and organizing a new generation of leaders.. Now, the most logical question to ask would be, ” do people like Haile have a comfort zone , a welcoming environment to engage in practices like this?” Does our political system ( or even culture) allow such civil ventures?

    Dear Taye

    Your list of iconic leaders is “impressive”!! I am with you when it comes to recognizing and celebrating leaders.A correction, I dont hate the people you mentioned and dont deserve an advice” to like what is ours!”

    • Mulugeta M Ayalew 10 August 2010 at 8:32 pm

      Who said opinion pieces are not subject to the rules of logic and critical thinking? I agree that culture may stifle leadership skills. But absence of a national forum for honour and praise may not do so. On the contrary I believe that peoples of Ethiopia routinely pay respect and honour to leaders and role-models. And there are plenty of them. Do we need more–of course. But is there a reason to lament on leadership void–not at all, at least in view.

  10. You tend to forget that the ethnocratic system introduced and abetted by TPLF has entrenched, to use the phrase of the famous Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe, “the rule of mediocrity”. In the ethic cauldron that the present Ethiopia represents, what simmers is mediocrity and not meritocracy. Therefore, what jumps out of the cauldron is a bunch of mediocre men and women in all fields of endeavour. Look at the institutions of higher learning, the civil service, the military, the law enforcement organs and the justice system.
    Summing up his observations on the damages ethnicity wrought to Nigeria, Achebe writes: “A true meritocracy transcends ethnicity, class, creed and gender. It is the only system that will ensure that the best and brightest run the affairs of the nation – a development that will benefit the majority of the population. We must put in place a system that constantly seeks excellence, a process that matches the appropriate position with the most qualified applicant; and finally a culture that asks questions such as ‘Is this person the best person for the job?’” Ethiopia has not lacked icons and great thinkers. Unfortunately, those cerebral Ethiopians, who excel in enterprise, science, the arts, etc., vote against the present system with their feet and flee the poor nation to realise their dreams overseas. That is why many of our icons – authors, scientist, artists, etc., are heard from Western capitals.

  11. I agree entirely with this. This lack of leadership in every part of society is something that many seem to have noticed.

    For example, people keep telling me that the strength in the Orthodox Church today is not the clergy (leaders), but the laypeople. “Oh how we look forward to clergy who can guide us and whom we can follow,” they say.

    Of course, we’re generalizing – there are plenty of good and competent clergy – but not enough and not enough in high positions.

    Whom to Ethiopians look up to? Not celebrity icons in the modern sense, but leaders.

    One problem I think is that in the major institutions, government and religion, leadership has been poor. Needless to say, no one looks up to Meles and Abune Paulos, or no one would want their kids to grow up to be like them!

    Another is the waning of positive nationalism. In 1984, Ethiopians, proudly, would as a rule not admit there was a famine. Today I would say that there may even be an inferiority complex slowly creeping in.

    The solution… Well, in terms of politics, if the opposition gets its act together, with the ultimate leader who is currently demonstrating the ultimate leadership, maybe it can help Ethiopians recover some national pride.

  12. Do you remember whay Melles sais abour Haile (comparing him with Chachi)? That shows us the role of politiicians in this story.

    In these days of ethnic polarizatiom, the greatest challenge lies in agreeing on an icon FOR ALL Ethiopians

  13. Melles was asked once what he thinks about Haile. (If I remember correctly, it was after Haile said that he might consider going into politics). He said that he knows more about Chachi than Haile. In his eyes, Haile had to be “chopped down” before he groows too big.

    So, our dictators are part of the answer.

    Currenty, another challenge is in identifying, and agreeing on, a person who would be considered as an icon by ALL Ethiopians. The atmosphere of ethnic polarization – that too promoted by our dear leaders – makes it difficult to find a person regarded as “ours” by all of us.

    All said, I still think Haile is closer to that status than any one of the persons mentioned by the previous contributors.

  14. It appears to be the case that someone’s hero is another person’s villain. Although we disagree on the particular merits of the individuals mentioned in this discussion, I strongly feel that there are certain ways to encourage the culture of social role-models.
    1. Why do we assign this important function to the government? So far we have not been lucky in Ethiopia to have governments which can look beyond their myopic self-interests. For instance, we could delegate the job of identifying and role-models worthy of recognition to a neutral, possible external, body. As citizens we have every right to organise and look for such organisations.
    2. We could put certain minimum threshold or criterion to decide on who should qualify and who should not. Because this is not a popularity contest, we may not require our role-models to make each and everyone of us happy. For instance, a person who saved many lives by helping women to terminate unwanted pregnancies could be a role-model, albeit he/she is very likely to attract the wrath of pro-life activists.
    3. Our country’s history has always been marred by large scale of violence which in turn condemned millions of Ethiopians to a life of destitute. We could particularly focus on those individuals who preach, teach and work towards tolerance and civic life. These are by no means exhaustive. All I am saying is that we should not be discouraged by what the government does or says.

  15. It is an interesting and largely true observation. We do not see individuals emerging who pass the test of time and the collective appriasal of the Ethiopian people as having and demonstrating extraordinary qualities. As said earlier, this decline seems to have begun or pronunced more after the Revolution. What happened during and after the revolution – the first revolution (1974), which was more of a class revolution, and the second, a national/ethnic revolution (1991)?

    These upheavals as radical they were brought some positive changes, but by far more misery, at least in the short term. The changes caused fragmentation, social and familiy breakdown. Individuals and families chose to flee their country. Some of the hardships they have gone through taught or forced them to be self-centered. The lack of stability in the last 35 years, gave no one the luxury of much time to focus on one’s life calling (with the exception of politics)to excel, etc.

    Ethiopia is still a country where dissent is inexcusably clobbered by not only those who are on power but also by ordinary people.

    In the long-term however, these radical changes and the dust that has not still settled might prove necessary and lay a strong foundation for harvesting more iconic personalities. It just needs more time and sober society.

  16. We have relatively few roll models in nearly all fields.The first question to ask is: Do we appreciate them,support them,follow them and dare to critisize them when they make outrageous public loss of trust?Do the icons have the courage to appologise in Public as President Clinten,Tigerwoods Or president Nixon did.Case in Point is Haile Gebresellasie.He is an icon by any standard.But he lost the trust of many Ethiopians by keeping silent on the conditions of Brtukan’s release from prision.Haile is not a match to the so-called professor or the other hodams.They have nothing to lose and they are not icons.Atleast Haile coud have disassociated himself from the Shemageles who are tools of the Melese Zenawi

  17. I am not going to give Oprah a credit. She is the embodiment of the whole American celebrity life style which is a pointless drama of promoting consumerism, and sustaining capitalism!

    We have heroes, and we have good leaders. The difference is we have our our subtle way of appreciating them, and I don’t see the need to copy everything and anything from Americans.

    • Thank you laljoe,

      we have got several people in the business, art, charity…We don’t appreciate them.In the western countries they praise an athlet who won one game day in day out.

      We shouldn’t import the whole thing from America. Regarding encouraging celebrity role model and culture, it is more damaging. In the west it is becoming more headache for the government. Most of the teanagers would prefer to be a celebrity, whcih is a short cut to get money and reputation. Students wouldn’t prefer hard subjects like mathes and physics.

  18. Ethiopia didn’t lack capable individuals that could be role model. We just do not have the wisdom to recognize them. Particularily in recent years who ever comes forefront we were shooting them down as quick as we could. The media has big role in this. Rather than promoting we used all the modern communication media to kill genuine Ethiopian who could be good role model. The shooters are the gullible mediocores who knows everything from politics, science, religon, business, sport etc… Who can we blame other than the websites and paltalks for destructive role they played in the past five or six years? They have been used to destroy individual reputations particularily if they have pan-Ethiopian agenda. Don’t get me wrong, most of the media have pan-ethiopian agenda but they were foolish enough to destroy their own side for minor differences as we have seen during Kinijit debacle. They have used their power irresponsibly. Since the past election, however, I see some improvement towards the right direction, but not as it should be. I believe the media is to blame for not allowing capable leaders to emerge.

  19. Balcha Gebyahu 11 August 2010 at 2:13 am

    Icons, or leadership in any areas human endeaver or field etc do not grow in the vacuum. To some extent, they have to be created and nurished by some elements of human activites in positive ways. Some of these activities or enforcement, can or could have come from historical, cultural, economic, or political experience etc

    In the past, for example, the Ethiopian experience, as a whole, despite its shotcomings, kept the country in an environment where there was some kind of hope or direction towards the public good. In other words, at worest, there was a limit for what the government and for the leadership to do bad/harm. We may call it a lack of “sophistication” on the part of the ruling body to do much harm. Perhaphs that explains why we still managed to have a few of the icons we had.

    Fast forward, if we examine (birds-eye view) the last two decade in terms of the ruling groupes effort to do good/harm…& the resulting lack of any capacity within the country to develop any kind of long-lasting ‘s national treasures/icons speaks for itself.

    Unfortunately, the TPLF& Mr. Meles group has reached at the top of corruption, ethnic division,….. leading to lack of freedom, mass arrest & killings or mass flight (exodus) of the future generation, total control of the national resources,….unparalled in the history of the country……is hardly an environment to develop national icons or treasures…who are determind to do anything for the good of its citizens at all cost.
    As of now, one of the icons we have is in kalite prison, mind you, is “charged” not for opposing this apartheid system but for breaking the terms of her agreement with the mighty tyrant!

    To conclude, Ethiopia’s leadeship void (icons) is not due to an accident or by chance, it has been work in progress desigend by Meles & his co. to last for a long time. Let us do our part to shorten the life span of a dictatorship the rest hopefully will come easy.

    God Bless Ethiopia & protect her children.

  20. Mr. Getachew, for how long you have been living in the U.S? I’m almost sure not that long. God knows why you are so impressed for a fake smile, sorry, thanks, god bless you, hi, bye, etc… when I first came to the US, it was the most annoying experience. We (Ethiopians) are so real, and if we smile or say thank you, or sorry it is very sincere and pure. And this is a quality that we should be proud.
    What is impressive about a fake church? The intention of church charity events (majority of the times) are TO MAKE MONEY and recruit more customers (church members). What you shold know is, It is a billion dollar buisness(with “B”). In any American church, there is an event in any given day, because, not as you mentioned to “concerned for the welfare of the aged, the handicapped, the orphaned and diseased” BUT TO MAKE MONEY.
    . I’m also not sure why a Mom or a Dad needs to be rewarded for being a Mom or a Dad? Of course, there are some irresponsible parents, however majority of parents do there best for there kids I’m also not sure since when celebrities like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan , Britney Spears or Lady Gaga become leaders.
    In general, I’m not sure why an intelligent guy like you sympathizes such a cheep imperialistic culture. Anyways, to talking about i the bigger picture of these article, you are not the only one who thinks t no one left on the earth to save the world, even your beloved Americans, thinks the same. The other day, I was speaking with an African American man and he told me “look at the new generation, they look up to these rappers, athletes, and celebrities, no one looking upto leaders like M.L.King or Jessie Jackson. What I’m trying to say is, don’t worry!! May be not your way of leadership, but there are plenty of people who will be future leaders. . .

  21. The problem is generational. This generation is an apolitical and primitive generation. They are not interested in the world or life, nor do they reflect on their surroundings. All they want to do is drink, chew chat and party all their life. Their only ambition and value in life is money, hence, in the West you will find most Ethiopians at uni, doing business admin or accounting (at the worst universities), and only a handful doing diciplines like medicine, law, philosophy or engineering(at decent). Our parents marxist generation atleast reflected on their surroundings and had values (even though that had its own problems). Nihilism has destryed this youth!

  22. Dear Deresse,

    I beg to differ from your write up. I do not think we lack an iconic personalities (May be celebrities in each aspects). What we lack is appreciating them. The media do nothing to lift up the young poet Bewketu Seyum. His writing skill is as good as the 60s poets like Tsegaye G. medhin and hislike. The media do nothing to promote Elias Melka as a best composer.

    Earlier during G. Kirstos Desta era, the journalists and the different iconic people were close friends and give a good attention to introduce them with the public. The journalist Bealu verses the Painter and poet G. Kirstos Desta.

    However for almost 20 years, the media is obsessed in politics than social aspects. Including Addis Neger, I do not see any newspaper making an effort to introduce the personal life of our young best writers like Beweketu Seyum, and many to mention.

    The problem I believe is not losing iconic (celebrities) in Ethiopia. The problem is including the regime and the so-called free presses has no intention in lifting up our celebrities. There are of course a lot that we never heard. They are there somewhere only known by their surrounding but could not get a chance to be revealed to the majorities. The media do nothing and it’s the media and our journalists to be blamed for this.

  23. A very interesting topic and interesting comments as well. Here is my take of it. I indeed agree with Derese that there is a leadership void in our country. Some of the people commenting here in fact even started to name some and what did they come up with? Only a handful in a country of more than 80 million people. Now, I am not suggesting all 80 million of us should or could be leaders. But lets just look our neighbors in Africa as it would be quite difficult to compare ourselves with America or Europe. Even in countries like Uganda that have similar political systems like ours the civil society is well advanced and it is far better in countries like Kenya where the political system is fast recovering from the recent problems (of the 2007 election). What I am driving at is that we cannot expect leaders to grow in a vacuum. They need an environment that tolerates (like Uganda) or promotes (like Kenya) the emergence of leaders within the civil society and private sectors. What is happening in Ethiopia in this respect? Recently the government introduced a civil society law that practically bans all civil society from engaging in anything remotely associated with politics. And this is not a new thing. Its actually a culmination of a deliberate process to suppress and stifle the emergence and growth of a vibrant civil society which could nurture potential political leaders (remember how the government shut down the Ethiopian Teachers Union). So while I agree with Deresse that there is a leadership void I am not sure how we can ‘put aside our politicians’ who I believe are the main reason for the state our society is in. At the end of the day the two are inextricably linked.

  24. Abiye Teklemariam 11 August 2010 at 2:10 pm

    You hypothesis needs revision. It seems to me that from the rough data I have the percentage of political coverage by the print media post-1991 has actually decreased from the Dergue era except during two brief “spike periods” although the total political coverage has gone up.I study the internet and participation and just finished a survey of the Ethiopian print media since the revolution. The truth is not always what meets the eye.

    As the former editor of Addis Neger, I also contest your claim that there was little effort to introduce the personal lives of icons outside of politics. If you were the reader of Addis Neger, you would know that we had a a section called Addis Neger II, which had 8-16 pages of arts and literature. The first two pages carried the in-depth profile of some accomplished and some rising artists and writers. It seems odd to me that you mentioned Beweketu as an example. He was actually a literary columnist for our paper, writing short stories regularly. His recent book is a collection of the short stories he wrote on Addis Neger. For a thirty two pages paper, Addis Neger had only 10 pages dedicated to politics and economics. That our political pages are the most recognizable is another point. Add to this what Addis Admass and almost all of the magazines do, I can say that the private print media’s coverage of non-political issues(broadly defined) is comparable to what you get in many other countries.

  25. there are leaders- but all have their own bags. what is missing is the thinking itself. how can one talk about justice only in relation to one group, such as opposition, ethinc or religious group? It alwyas puzzles me.
    Desmond tut and martin luther king talk about justice in its universal sense, even when their main focus was their own race and that is why they became icons, able to attract support from evey corner.

  26. Sirs,
    The point is not in statistics; rather the point is that Ethiopia is going down the hill when it comes to an exemplary leaders in all sectors. Much more is the fact that our political leaders are clad with curses and never praises because they are not worthy! Ethiopia is moving from one bandit to another of which the worst of them is the current one. Haile-Selassie was buried in a garbage; Mengistu has ended up a fugitive and the fate of the current one is going to be even worse than those preceding it. Let us hope that upon the death-bed of this tyrant called Meles, Ethiopia will spring up a model leader. God bless Ethiopia!

  27. Aba Biya Aba Gobbu 11 August 2010 at 5:29 pm

    Hellow country fellows,

    Ethiopia`s greatest and disasterous problem is lack of leadership. Ethiopia needs a brave and courageus non corrupted leaders. (Opposition) Not cowards and beggaars. Who could declare war on enemies. Ethiopia needs a genuine non selfish leadr who believes in democracy and rule of law.No tribalist. Ethiopia prevails.

  28. Derese Getachew 11 August 2010 at 5:47 pm

    Washeraw, Michael and bereket, Mesfin

    You guys have a very valid point that this whole exercise of finding iconic leaders in the non-political aspects of our national life is very much related to politics.. I admit ” we cannot put politics aside” Especially you pointed hwo ethnicization has eroded our moral base to find a commonly shared icon..one’s hero or heroine has ended up becoming another person’s villain.. Even here, some commentators are debating whether some individuals are leaders or not-in favor or against.. Wey ye gosa politica? tiru zefagina seali enkuan lemeleyet eyaschegeren new!!

    Ghost Face and laljolie

    I know America for a long time..With all its misgivings, racial inequality, high crime, poverty etcc…I find it be an exciting, energetic and propserous country.. Oh how i wish my country to be such a capitalist power!! Growing up i used to hear ” ye agarfa geberewoch ye americanin imperialism ena teb acharinet awegezu!!” so imperialism,capitalism, individualism, liberlism were anathemas to the leftist generation of my parents.Its been such a long time since I started questioning it!!

    I guess Abiy has addressed your concern about The ethiopian media and its alleged neglect of reporting on works of literature and art..That has not been the case at least on Addis Neger!!! Kudos to Beweketu Seyoum who has been such a fascinating read as a columnist!!

  29. The point is that those rare personnalities who could be regarded as model ended up to seek asylum in Western countries.

    And once you quit your mother country, whether you accept it or not, whatever talent you have and whoever you are, you will never be a model for your younger ethiopians. You’ll be forgotten forever.

    That’s why Weyanes way of killing personalities is to chase them out of Ethiopia.

  30. Derese Getachew 11 August 2010 at 6:35 pm

    Dear Abe

    I forgot to mention your point which is in the lsame league with mesfin,washeraw, michael and bereket…

    Dear All

    it would be more productive if we discuss what we think are the reasons behind the leadership crisis we ar talkin about too.it makes it more interesting..

  31. Dear Derese,

    Thank you very much for raising this difficult and controversial issues for wider discussion.


    YES, Ethiopia and Ethiopians need more role models. We all agree that the road to a successful and vibrant Ethiopia can be paved by the availability of magnanimous leaders and admirable role models. With the right leadership and appropriate role models, the message that Ethiopians can achieve something worthwhile will resonate more effectively with the masses. We need more top-notch political role models, more business and economic role models, more high-profile entrepreneurs and achievers, and more female role models. The key qualification for being a role model – as opposed to other forms of ‘leadership’ – is the doing; you can only be a role model if you have actually done something and led by example. Unfortunately, this most important message has hitherto not found sufficient roots in Ethiopia for some of the reasons I attempted to describe below:


    In order to clearly understand the leadership void in the country we have to investigate the profound constraints culture has on the way leadership “cultivated, promoted and succeeded” in Ethiopia. As we all know, culture as a “shared values and norms that bind members of a society together” provides a frame of reference or logic by which leadership, emerges, cultivates and fostered in any country. People living within a particular culture have their conduct regulated through a collection of consensual aspirations and universal orientations and as a result leadership styles and behaviors are culture-bound.

    While we have positive cultural values, when it comes to leadership and management, our culture(s) mainly endorses and encourages autocratic and masculine leadership style. As a result, Ethiopian children grew in an oppressive and autocratic family and societal environment where Kunticha (ቁንጥጫ), Kurkum (ኩርኩም) Kurfia (ኩርፊያ), Tifi (ጥፊ); and Dibedeb (ድብድብ) are the most frequent spoken leadership terminologies. At family level children’s respect for their parents often gets shattered when they realize that their parents are deviating from the values they brought them up on. Children watch and listen for the sad examples when their parents are not telling the truth or are cheating in business in order to survive. Given that culture greatly influences the way we develop and sustain leadership in any society, the current leadership void in Ethiopia can be explained by our culture that hinders positive development, self-confidence and assertiveness of our toddlers who are our future leaders and role models


    The school is the place where children are interacting with the wider community and learn and cultivate leadership next to their family. The school helps the children to become emotionally mature and culturally enriched human beings. Children learn and practice leadership as class- room Monitors and Club leaders. School children take their teacher (s) as their role models. For school children, the teacher is absolutely infallible and he/she could not make mistakes. What a disappointment it is for children to discover that the teacher not only makes mistakes, but could be cadres, corrupt, dishonest or unfair!! All moral values that children learn at home and at school seem to be turned upside down when they face the real world.

    Since the 1974 revolution, our educating delivery system continuously deteriorated to the level never seen before the revolution. The revolutionary regime changes the whole structure of the education systems and content from primary to tertiary in an effort to institutional Marxist-Leninist ideas. This gave way for the multiplication of cadre teachers and cadre school leaders at all levels who were primarily interested in the socialist ideology rather than quality of education and the creation of future leaders of the Country. As a result, student promotion and achievement and teachers recruitment and promotion were compromised and the school environment became the home of careless, demoralized, undisciplined, absentee, drunkard and chat chewing teachers and student. This contributed not only to the deterioration of education but also the deterioration of the emergence of transformational leaders and role models who can inspire the young generation. Further, the absence of student leadership competitions, discussion/debate forums, exposure visit and information exchange forms negatively affected the cultivation, promotion and sustenance of high-profile Ethiopian role models – to the caliber of Mandela, Kofi Annan, Damson Tutu, Barak Obama.


    The other major factor that hindered the cultivation and promotion of positive leaders and role models is the absence of Good Governance which is defined through the existence of a government that is participatory, respect the Rule of Law, Transparent, Responsive and Accountable for all its action. Good Governance and democracy are scarce commodities in Africa in general and Ethiopia in particular. The deficiency of Good Governance resulted in one-man (strong-man) neo-patrimonial rule that institutionalized corruption, nepotism, clientalism and state sponsored terrorism in most African countries including Ethiopia. African leaders converted state intuitions into their personal property and the country into their open prisons. African leaders have traumatized their people to the point where they are in desperate states and on self-destruct courses. By using brutal means to rule and senselessly looting of the public resources, African leaders have left the people in a state of shock and despair.

    Most African leaders have been compared to dinosaurs. This does not only allude to the devouring character of the beast, but also its lifespan. To what else can one compare Omar Bongo’s 41-year stay in power? Muammar Gadaffi has 41 years to his credit. Robert Mugabe – 30, Obiang Nguema – 30, Hosni Mubarak – 30,, Paul Biya – 28, Zine Al-Abidine 23, Yowerri Museveni – 23, Al-Bashir – 21 Meles Zenawi -20, Esayas Afeworki -20, Idris Derby – 18, Yahya Jameh – 15, Denis Sassou Nguesso – 13. The list is very long. Many leaders under 12 years in power are serving their second or third terms thanks to rigged elections. Those that come to power through coups promise a quick return to democracy, but soon get intoxicated with power only to be chased out by a counter coup or popular revolts. A country like Somalia has experimented with 15 governments in 18 years. This struggle for power is explained by the spiral of violence that continues to shape Africa’s political life including Ethiopia.

    Mandela – with his selflessness, leadership qualities, and limitless determination – has demonstrated that we can achieve the impossible as long as we retain passion, courage and conviction. Annan – with his meek and diplomatic style – has shown that we can rise to the top of our professionals, anywhere in the world, through dedication and focus. Obama – with his obvious intellect and powerful oratory – has fulfilled a long-standing dream and inspired many, Africans and non-Africans alike. These people, unsurprisingly, have become ‘demigods’.

    Unfortunately, for reasons of bad governance, potential leaders and role models in Ethiopia (like other African counties) don’t always get the platforms to inspire and lead. Sometimes this is by choice, but often the political system instituted by the dinosaurs don’t avail the right opportunities for such people.While the absence of an independent media and vibrant civil society contributed to the problem, even the public media fully controlled by government do not entertain and promote news related to role models. The vindictive nature of Ethiopia’s socio-political structure often turns many talented and ambitious people off. Those who still want to help or make an impact often seek to pass on their inspirational spirit in ways other than via political (like athletic, music, etc).


    In our country, it is apparent that the brutal rules of Mengistu and Meles have eroded our moral values. Actually there is a lot of truth in that: every aspect of our life has been disrupted, and every value has been trampled upon by their beast rule. So it is this devastating political and pathetic situation that calls religious leaders to continue being role models for their communities.We are all human, and we can all be tempted to deviate from honesty, truthfulness or justice. But when a religious leader assumes the spiritual leadership of his or her community, the responsibility is much greater than that of an ordinary lay person.

    For both Christian and Muslim devoted believers in Ethiopia, the disappointment is even bigger, and it hurts us more and shakes our faith when we realize that some of our religious leaders do not adhere to the moral values that they propagate and preach. Of course, when those leaders are trapped in difficult situation they can always claim that they are human. However, it is this type of reality that demands more from those leaders so that their communities can lean on them in times of difficulties precisely because with their support and inspiration, the community will have courage and hope to face the challenges and evils of everyday life under brutal occupation.

    In Ethiopia, unfortunately, it seems that both Christian and Muslim Community leaders are comfortable with bad governance, dictators and lootocrats.There has never been any instance where “Big” religious leaders question aspects of bad governance in Ethiopia. In fact, religious leaders have long forgotten that they need to adhere to basic values such as humility, honesty, justice, sacrifice and forgiveness when they choose the path of serving God. This deviation of religious leaders from the teachings of their holy books is another constraint for the emergence, cultivation and promotion of transformational political leaders and role models in the country.

    Thank you

  32. Dear Lubak, kudos to you for this very rich and honest analysis of Ethiopia’s apparent deficiency in transformational leaders.

    After I finished reading your piece, I paused and tried to internalize all what you said. All what you said is true. The challenges and the crisis you eloquently enumerated are there to see, to touch, and to feel. But at the same time, I also felt challenged by my own question. I put this question to my self: Is it not the existence of the challenges and the crisis that were accurately mentioned that lay the ground for the emergence of such leaders and role models?

    I think history has registered more transformational leaders born at times of crisis and decadence than during periods of relative stability or prosperity. If we agree to an affirmative answer to my question, then the circumstances that make society ripe to producing exceptional leaders and role models cannot at the same time be reasons for the lack of such personalities.

    This question and the likely answer to it also challenge my own humble thought that I tried to throw earlier in my first intervention. What I had said essentially was that the period since the first revolution has been so turbulent that people could not get the time to devote themselves on socially transforming and excelling ventures. Now my thoughts are evolving. It is in fact rough moments in society that give birth to extraordinary leaders. In that context, therefore, we may need to further search for appropriate answer(s) to the question “why leadership void in Ethiopia?”

  33. Derese Getachew 12 August 2010 at 9:16 pm


    You should have written this and sent it as a commentary article..seriously!

  34. Dear Gagi,

    Thank you very much for your feedback on my contribution and above all for raising another mind baffling question: “Is it not the existence of the challenges and the crisis that was accurately mentioned that lay the ground for the emergence of such leaders and role models? In the spirit of appreciative inquiry, you are asking “why our multi-facetted crisis failed to be an opportunity for the emergence of leaders and role models?” We agree that leadership is a blend of instincts, skills, and choices, some of which are innate, others of which are acquired. Indeed, a person’s leadership and role model qualities reveal themselves in times of crisis and uncertainties, when the stakes are high and seemingly impossible things are achieved.

    In fact, the following quotation from Gregory R. Copley reinforces your assertion that crisis calls forth the need for leadership and role model.

    “No-one can deny that these are turbulent times. The entire fabric of our lives and life for people everywhere, is open to question. We await and expect change, and change creates anxiety. But it might also be argued that periods of change, uncertainty, and anxiety are exactly what call forth the need for leadership. Leadership is less demanded in times of tranquility, when established orders and recognized hierarchies do their job of stabilizing and managing societies, and even armies. But chaos, danger, and movement all require the calming order of leadership.” (Gregory R. Copley Addressing the US Army Command & General Staff College Graduates, The Art of Victory: Leadership in Turbulent Times (Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, January 24, 2007)

    Having said this, let me return to the very challenging question you raised and try to contribute to the deepening of our discussion.

    First of all, my main aim was to contribute to Derese’s question related to the “root cause of leadership void in Ethiopia.” What I have tried to say was that inhibitors for the emergence, cultivation and promotion of leaders and role models (among other factors) can be found in “our culture, our schooling, our bad governance and our unfaithful religious leaders.”

    Second, like Gregory R. Copley you have asserted, leadership is more demanded during time of crisis and uncertainty than time of stability and certainty. In other words, you think crisis gives birth to new role models and leaders. Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mondale, Belay Zeleke, Bealu Girma, Bertukan Mideksa can be cited as great role models and transformational leaders during the time of crisis. I think the lack of linear correlation between the emergence leadership/role model and socio-political crisis will make our query similar to the “grandfather paradox of Time Travel” or the classic chicken or the egg causality dilemma.” To better understand its metaphorical meaning, the question could be reformulated as: “Which came first, ሀ that can’t come without ለ, or ለ that can’t come without ሀ?” In fact it is like what Engineers and Scientists call “circular reference” in which a parameter is required to calculate that parameter itself. Put in other words, our comprehensive socio-political deficiency constrained the emergence or selfless aspiring role models and leadership. As a result, the crisis in Ethiopia was not an opportunity for the emergence of role models and leaders but it was a hindrance as it further narrowed and restricted the social, political and economic space for such project. Since multi-facetted crises obstructed the development and promotion of role models and leaders (both in quality and quantity), role models and leaders failed to emerge during the time of crises and uncertainties in Ethiopia. እዚህ ላይ “ሴትዮዋ የዛሬዉስ ብርድ ቆማጣ ያሳቅፋል ስትል” ቆማጣዉ “እሱስ ቢሆን ቀድሞ ካላዘጋጁት ዛሬ የት ይገኛል ብሎ” ኮራ አለ የሚለዉን ተረት ማስታውሱ ጥሩ ነው::

    Third, we need to understand the profound and negative impact of the Dergue and Woyannie regimes that created atmosphere of fear in the psychology of all Ethiopians in all walks of life. The Dergue “Red terror” and the Woyannie “democratized terror” have forced hundreds of thousands of young and ambitious Ethiopians to flee the country and those remaining in behind sings the “ፖለቲካና ኤሌክትሪክ በሩቁ ነዉ” song and live with self-exiled mind and self-imposed silence always looking for an opportunity to flee the country. Until such a chance is achieved, our young male compatriots are hiding behind Arsenal, Manchester Untied and Barcelona and our young female compatriots are hiding behind Indian movies and National theaters. Those who want to make an impact in an apolitical way (like athletic, business, art, music, etc) also sings the “ጎመን በጤና” song as they own different kinds of business which they think are at the mercy of TPLF thugs and see an eminent danger associated with being a role model. This apolitical group promotes the “ጎመን በጤና መፈክር ” because TPLF thugs can easy revoke their registration; threaten them with tax increase or imprisonment for VAT evasion, or traffic accident like they did to Teddy Afro. A very good example are Haile G/Sellassie and Pastor Daniel who are afraid to tell the truth about the Amnesty for the “release of Kinjit leaders.” For me the silence of Haile G/Sellassie and Pastor Daniel indirectly contributed to the imprisonment of one of our role model and leader-Bertukan Mideksa. In fact, as its materials wealth expands, this apolitical group will further fail to inspire and provide positive role model and leadership for the aspiring, talented and ambitious Ethiopians. The fear of failure, torture, tax increase and imprisonment are creating a mindset that people are more inclined to play things “safe” like Haile G/Sellassie, Pastor Daniel, Dr. Beyene Petros, Ledetu Ayalew and other rather than risking their livelihood by being a role model and transformational leaders like the selfless Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Birtukan Mideksa!!


  35. The problem with the leadership vacuum is not new for Ethiopia. When young people see other cultures are superior to our own because the intellectuals despised it since the late 60s we lost ground.

    You are the problem not the solution too, quoting western philosophers than our own. Understandably there is little documented data and organized manuscript about our own . But the young suppose to solve problems not run from it.

    Fundamentally we know how to tear things down in the last two generation. If we build something it is not for public good but to lift out empty ego.

    I blame the inferior intellectuals of the late 60s and 70s, they single handedly tear down a nation that was an envy of the world. They are not done yet still at it to finish what is left.

    These over entitled intellectuals have not contributed a penny worth to the country for the free education poor Ethiopian afforded them. Melse is the worst of them all but do not count on it even worst than him can come along.

    Those of you in the media should make them accountable for the past or, at least stop them from infecting the young. They are shifty, opportunist have no vision or stand on any thing. Take the dirt bag Melse; he was a hard-line Marxist, ethnocentric assassin who was burning churches. He turned around to become mafia capitalist, pretentious nationalist even an elected democrat in a span of 20 years. Do not be surprise if he became a born again Christian like his comrade Tamerat Layne. In his so called victory speech I saw him kissing the cross of one priest pretending he is baptized all over again.

    Look guys just because you consider yourself educated it does not amount much for Ethiopia, nada. Your true achievement would be to left our people up more than you found them. The last two generation made it worst how you would change the next.

    Here is my advice

    1. Stop the bleeding; that is the intellectuals must be stopped or reformed. Challenging them head on starting with the Woyane intellectuals is the first step. Knocking on their door and confronting them on issues they did, should do …to take a stand on issue publicly so on.
    For example for Woyane intelectuals how come they overlook the robbery of Ethiopia serveing the regime. for the Diapora intelectuals; how come they could not come-up with one viable institution in their field to advocate for change? Not even one on the problems of poverty, famine, refugees, human trficing, etc.

    When I suggest it 15 years to form an advocacy group for famine irradication the monsters wanted to use it for their political game. Take another example; EPRPs, right after they saw Kinijit win in the 2005 election they became a democrats with a d. No one wants to challenge them to retire or stay put, like Woyane they destroy any community if they are not in charge.

    2. Regardless of your ideology you have to for a media Institution that reaches the larger community and let us hear the bad, the good and the ugly and decide for ourselves. Make a compact among the many independent media personalities to form umbrella organization to build the infrastructure or at least a fourm. Untenanted information is what Ethiopians are stariving. This single act will free Ethiopians than a combined force of all oppositions.

    3. The young must be encouraged to solve community problem not spectators. For example they have to be the bridge between the old and young (the traditional and modern) to close the gap. They are drifting in another world leaving their roots behind.

    4 Forums, forums more forums then institutions and more institutions in every sector, to bring diverse people together to learn about the facts. Media forum would teach us the state of media in Ethiopia and what to do about it. Economic forum would teach us the state of the Economy and how to advocate changing it so on. Forum does not have to be politics only. Every sector can turn to change agents in their own fields against the system destroying our country and challenging those who want to replace them.

    There is no short cut to reverse the bleeding, but getting together in a forum to get like minded people together to solve problem.

    You can do it

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