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Posts by Girma Tesfaw


“ጉዳዩ “ ጅቡቲ ደርሷል….

“ጅቡ…ቲም!?” ምን አልባት በታሪኳ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ይህቺ የምስራቋ ጎረቤታችን መሪዋን ኢስማኤል ኦማር ጊሌህን ተቃውማ ሰልፍ ወጣች፤ በሐሰን ጉሌድ ኧብቲዶን ስታዲየም። ጅቡቲያውያንም ለውጥ ሽተዋል። አዲስ አበባም በጣህሪር አደባባይ የወጣቶች አብዮት ቀልቧ ከተወሰደ ሰንበትበት ብሏል። ዐይኗ ከአልጀዚራ ላይ አልተነቀለም። ከዚህ ቀደም የሙዚቃ፣ እግር ኳስ እና የፊልም ቻናሎችን ብቻ በመክፈት የሚታወቁት የከተማዋ ካፌዎች ጣቢያዎቻቸውን ወደ አልጀዚራ እና ቢቢሲ [...]

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Inside Of The World Of The Amiches: Politics, Identity and Exile

“You can identify the Amiches even by pinpointing their style of walking,” explains Binyam. The Amiches also listen to Amharic music. In small cities like Keren, the Amiches were known for the Amharic music they used to play in the bars. Even at the height of the border war, the Amiches did not abandon their habit of playing Amharic music. But the regime in Asmara did not share their enthusiasm, eventually prohibiting Amharic music from being played in public places. “In relation with the expulsion from Ethiopia, most of the Amiches were psychologically traumatized,”

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Yawn! “Developmental and Democratic Art” is on duty

The EPRDF’s “developmental and democratic art” too has tried to develop its national form with socialist content, just as juche realism did. Though the form is quite different, the content is similar. This document also highlights the perceived weak spots within most of Addis Ababa’s artistic institutions. For instance, the Addis Ababa Youth and Children’s Theater of Arat Kilo received the suggestion that “in the future, this institution must display works of art which could teach the essence of democracy, good governance and the importance of development for children.“

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The Passion of the Ethiopian Press

(Special Coverage On the State of Ethiopian Free Press )

After 2007 when the theology of EPRDF overtly changed, its mechanism for dealing with the media also changed, growing ever more systematic. As some pundits claimed, the major shift lay not only in its approach to the media in particular, but in its approach to all independent voices. Ato Meles dreams of a country of one party and ideology. For him and the party, they argued, democracy has only instrumental value–to purge other democratic forces and voices from the scene, using “democratic means”

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Election fever grips Tigray / “የመጀመሪያው” ምርጫ በትግራይ

Everyday many Mekelians go to the popular conference center Haweleti. They are people from all walks of life, from each niche of the public. The detail of the niches seems infinite….It starts with macro groups, but then quickly dissolves into all sorts of micro groups. Women – ok, that is a group. It doesn’t stop there. Female students, female government officials, female entrepreneurs, female laborers, female this, female that. The cadres speak to these niche groups. (ትግራይን ለህወሓት ሕይወት ብቻ የምትመች ለማድረግ እጅግ ወጤታማ የኾነው ከመንግሥት አመራር ተነሥቶ እስከ ቤተሰብ ደረጃ የሚወርደው የዕዝ የቁጥጥር መዋቅር ነው። ሙሉውን የአማርኛ ጽሑፍ በአማርኛው ክፍል ያንብቡ።)

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