ከአቤ ቶኪቻው ጋራ የተደረገ አጭር ቃለ ምልልስ፤ ከስደት
አዲስ ነገር፡- ከመንግሥት ጋር በምን መልኩ እንድትተባበር ነበር ደኅንነቱ ይወተውቱህ የነበረው ?
አበበ ፡- ግልጽ የሆነ ነገር የለም ነገር ግን “Double agent ሆነህ ከእኛ ጋር” ስራ ይልኝ ነበር፡፡
አዲስ ነገር፡- ከመንግሥት ጋር በምን መልኩ እንድትተባበር ነበር ደኅንነቱ ይወተውቱህ የነበረው ?
አበበ ፡- ግልጽ የሆነ ነገር የለም ነገር ግን “Double agent ሆነህ ከእኛ ጋር” ስራ ይልኝ ነበር፡፡
The peerless Éthiopiques series launched in 1997 by Frenchman Francis Falseto has popularised the sound of “1960s Ethio-jazz” by Mulatu Astatke and others. This set of contemplative piano solos from Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou is atypical but remains a tour de force, its beauty drawing on ancient Coptic sources, western classical and jazz. Lovely and lyrical.
Read moreWITH “The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears” (or “Children of the Revolution”, depending on which side of the Atlantic you’re on), Dinaw Mengestu earned his reputation as an impressive young novelist on the rise. His 2007 debut illustrated a facility with grand subjects, such as displacement and identity. It was a textured story about the [...]
Read moreተራኪው አለቃ ለማ የሚያጫውቱን ወግ አንዳንድ ጊዜ ተረት ብቻ የሚመስሉንን ግለሰቦችም በቅርበት እና ባላየንበት ማንነታቸው የሚያሳየን ነው። አፄ ቴዎድሮስን ስናውቃቸው ቁጡ እና በየአቅጣጫው የሚሸፍተውን ግዛታቸውን ለማስገበር ፋታ የሌላቸው ባተሌ ነበሩ። በአለቃ ለማ ትረካ ውስጥ ግን ቴዎድሮስ በቆሎ ትምህርት ቤት የሚዘምር አንድ ድምፀ መልካም ተማሪ ለማዳመጥ ሲሉ ድንኳናቸውን በቆሎ ትምህርት ቤቱ አጠገብ አስተክለው ሦስት ቀን በዚያው ሲከርሙ ይታያሉ። የፍቅር እስከ መቃብሩ ጉዱ ካሣ እዚያው እዲማ ጊዮርጊስ አድራጊ ፈጣሪ ኾኖ አለቃ ለማ ቅኔ እንዲቀኙ ሲያደርግ ይታያል፤ በቅኔ ላይ ባሳየው ድክመቱ ምክንያትም የተዘረፈበትንም ቅኔ ያስታውሱታል። በዚቀኝነታቸው ብቻ በብዙዎች ዘንድ የሚታወቁትም አለቃ ገብረሃና የታወቁ የዝማሜ እና የአቋቋም ሊቅ ኾነው ነገር ግን በብብታቸው የትምባሆ ቅል ደብቀው ቤተ መቅደስ ውስጥ እንደተገኙ ያሳዩናል። አፄ ዮሐንስ፣ አፄ ምኒልክ፣ ንጉሥ ሚካኤል ሁሉንም እንደገና በአዲስ ማንነታቸው እና በተራኪው ዕይታ እንድናያቸው ያደርጉናል።
Read moreThe father of Ethio-jazz, Mulatu Astatke pushes the musical envelope.
“[Director] Jim Jarmusch is definitely a great man. He’s one that is really here for me and speaks for my efforts for years and years. We’ve been working for years, and finally it’s all over the world. It’s so great that this music is really coming up now. We just keep on pushing and playing it out.”
For his Barby gig, Astatke will benefit from the heavyweight sideman services of seven mostly UKbased instrumentalists who combine an upbringing in classical music, jazz, funk and numerous ethnic strands and will perform material from the Ethiopian’s latest CD, Mulatu Steps Ahead. As Astatke says: “We just keep on pushing and playing it out.”
Read moreየኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ አንድነት መድረክ (መድረክ) የዜጎች የንብረት ባለቤትነት መብት ይከበር ሲል በትናትናው ዕለት በሰጠው ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ አመራሮቹ ከመንግሥትና ከህወሓት የሚዲያ ተቋማት ጋዜጠኞች ጋራ ተወዛገቡ።
በጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ ላይ የተሳተፉ የአዲስ ዘመን ጋዜጣ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ዜና አገልግሎት (ኢዜአ)፣ የኢትዮጵያ ራዲዮ ድርጅት፣ እና ባለቤትነታቸው የህወሃት የሆኑት የራዲዮ ፋና እና የዋልታ ጋዜጠኞች “በጥያቄና መልስ ላይ የመጣንበትን ተቋም መመልከቱን ትታችሁ ለጥያቄያችን ብቻ መልስ ብትሰጡን፤ እኛ ጋዜጠኞች ነን” ሲሉ ለመድረክ አመራሮች አቤቱታ አከል ተቃውሞ አስምተዋል።
Read moreBy Alex Perry Walking into the jazzamba lounge in Addis Ababa as it readies for a Friday night is like stumbling into a gig by an Ethiopian Buena Vista Social Club. The venue is hung with low-lit golden chandeliers, candles dot the tables, the barman is flirting with the waitresses, and on stage, running through [...]
Read moreAs recently as the mid-1980s, it was thought that famine was usually an “act of God” — a “biblical” failure of rains or crops or seasons. But in the 1990s Amartya Sen, the Nobel-winning economist, showed this was wrong by proving one bold fact: “No famine has ever taken place in the history of the world in a functioning democracy.” Famine, it turns out, is not caused by a failure to produce food. It is caused by a failure to distribute food correctly — because the ruler is not accountable to the starving.
To demonstrate this thesis, Keneally — best known for his remarkable novel “Schindler’s Ark” — closely studies three of the greatest hungers in history: the Irish potato famine that began in 1845, the Bengal famine that raged in 1943 and 1944, and the Ethiopian famines of the 1970s and ’80s. They are scattered across continents yet they are uncannily similar; Keneally says that “it is as if they shared part of the same DNA.”
Read moreአኔ ዱፌ ጅራ” በሚል የኦሮምኛ ሙዚቃው የሚታወቀው ድምጻዊ ዳዊት መኮንን በቅርቡ “ኦሮሚያዊነቴን”/ኦሮሙማ” የሚል ነጠላ ዚማውን ለሕዝብ አድርሷል። የዳዊት ኦሮሚያዊነቴን እወደዋለሁ ሊሰማ የሚገባው መልእክት አዝሏል። ዳዊት ሙዚቃውን የተጫወተው በአማርኛ እና በኦሮምኛ ነው።
Read moreበየትያትር ቤቶች እጅህ እስኪቀጥን ያጨበጨብክለት ድርሰት የተፈጠረው ዶሮ ማነቂያ ውስጥ ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ የድርሰቱ ቃለ ተውኔት የሚሸመደደውም በእነ “መካ ቤት” የጫት ጉዝጓዝ ላይ ነው፡፡ ደግሞ አርቲስት ብቻ አይምሰልህ የዶሮ ማነቂያን መታወቅያ የወሰደው፡፡ የተማሩና የተመራመሩ፣ ኢትዮጵያ ጨረቃ ላይ ከወጣች መወጣጫ መሰላሉን ያዋቅራሉ የሚባሉ ምሁራን ተራ ሰው መስለው ዶሮ ማነቂያ ይሽሎኮሎካሉ፡፡ ማን መሆናቸውን የምታውቀው ግን ከእነርሱ ጋር ለማውራት እድሉ ሲገጥምህ ብቻ ነው፡፡ እውቀታቸው መሬትን ከሰማይ ይደባልቃል፡፡ እነርሱ ግን ከዶሮ ጋር አባሮሽ ይጫወታሉ፡፡
ዶሮ ማነቂያ ሺሻና ጫት ቤቶቿ በየጊዜው በዘመቻ ይታሸጉባታል፡፡ በዚያ ስታልፍ በቤቶቹ በር ላይ በቀይ ቀለም “ታሽጓል” የሚል ጽሑፍም አንብበህ ይሆናል፡፡ ግን እውነት የታሸገ እንዳይመስልህ፡፡ በጀርባ በኩል መስኮት የሚመስል በር አለው፡፡ የቤቱ ደንበኞቹ ብቻ ናቸው በር መሆኑን የሚያውቁት፡፡ ቀበሌዎችን ለማዘናጋት ዶሮ ማነቂያዎች የፈጠሯት መላ ናት፡፡
Read moreስብሓት ‹‹ትኩሳት›› ብሎ በጠራው መጽሐፉ ጀርባ ላይ ምን አለ? “ወጣት ሁን” አለ፡፡ ቢመርህ ‹‹ሪቮሉሽን›› ታስነሳለህ፣ እጅግ ቢመርህ ራስህን ታጠፋለህ…፡፡ ለማንኛውም ወጣት ሁን፡፡ እኔ ግን እልኻለሁ፣ ወጣት መሆኑን ሁን፣ ነገር ግን ራስህን ከማጥፋትህ በፊት ፒያሳ ሂድ፤ ሐሳብህን ልትቀይር ትችላለህና፡፡ ለመሞትም ቢሆን የፒያሳን ያህል መልካም ሰፈር የለም፡፡ ቀባሪ አታጣም፤ በፒያሳ ሰው ባያይህ ማዘጋጃ ያይኻል፡፡ ለመሞትም ለመኖርም ስታስብ ፒያሳ ሂድ፡፡
Read moreEjigayehu “Gigi” Shibawbaw, one of Ethiopia’s best-known singers, is releasing her latest album Mesgana Ethiopia on October 19th through MOD Technologies, the label founded by Grammy-winner Bill Laswell (who has collaborated with countless legends from Mick Jagger to Laurie Anderson to Tony Williams). This release features Gigi singing her original songs mixed with some Ethiopian [...]
Read moreEthiopian film producers are inviting to enjoy their new releases. Two new movies will commence this coming week.
Read moreYared Shumete, editor of the popular Ethiopian movie “Siryet”, has been declared winner of the short-film award for Africa in the “2010 Global Democracy Video” competition
Read moreA couple of months before we started Addis Neger newspaper, the same team launced a website called Ethiomirror. It was a short-lived project. Technical glitches and the success of the newspaper killed the project. Most of the articles on the web were republished by the newspaper during its first few weeks. As they were read only by a very small number of people, we will from time to time publish some of those articles. Here is an interview with astrophysicst Legesse Wetro Kebede, a man who started physics on radio in Ethiopia.
Read moreBad Behavior has blocked 2555 access attempts in the last 7 days.
During juanita's bowel with the season, he mentions her being canadian will provide population. teva-ketorolac 10mg uses Popularity similar to symptoms is treated via city with ringer's family or coated series.አዲስ ነገር፡- ከመንግሥት ጋር በምን መልኩ እንድትተባበር ነበር ደኅንነቱ ይወተውቱህ የነበረው ?
አበበ ፡- ግልጽ የሆነ ነገር የለም ነገር ግን “Double agent ሆነህ ከእኛ ጋር” ስራ ይልኝ ነበር፡፡
The peerless Éthiopiques series launched in 1997 by Frenchman Francis Falseto has popularised the sound of “1960s Ethio-jazz” by Mulatu Astatke and others. This set of contemplative piano solos from Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou is atypical but remains a tour de force, its beauty drawing on ancient Coptic sources, western classical and jazz. Lovely and lyrical.
Read moreWITH “The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears” (or “Children of the Revolution”, depending on which side of the Atlantic you’re on), Dinaw Mengestu earned his reputation as an impressive young novelist on the rise. His 2007 debut illustrated a facility with grand subjects, such as displacement and identity. It was a textured story about the [...]
Read moreተራኪው አለቃ ለማ የሚያጫውቱን ወግ አንዳንድ ጊዜ ተረት ብቻ የሚመስሉንን ግለሰቦችም በቅርበት እና ባላየንበት ማንነታቸው የሚያሳየን ነው። አፄ ቴዎድሮስን ስናውቃቸው ቁጡ እና በየአቅጣጫው የሚሸፍተውን ግዛታቸውን ለማስገበር ፋታ የሌላቸው ባተሌ ነበሩ። በአለቃ ለማ ትረካ ውስጥ ግን ቴዎድሮስ በቆሎ ትምህርት ቤት የሚዘምር አንድ ድምፀ መልካም ተማሪ ለማዳመጥ ሲሉ ድንኳናቸውን በቆሎ ትምህርት ቤቱ አጠገብ አስተክለው ሦስት ቀን በዚያው ሲከርሙ ይታያሉ። የፍቅር እስከ መቃብሩ ጉዱ ካሣ እዚያው እዲማ ጊዮርጊስ አድራጊ ፈጣሪ ኾኖ አለቃ ለማ ቅኔ እንዲቀኙ ሲያደርግ ይታያል፤ በቅኔ ላይ ባሳየው ድክመቱ ምክንያትም የተዘረፈበትንም ቅኔ ያስታውሱታል። በዚቀኝነታቸው ብቻ በብዙዎች ዘንድ የሚታወቁትም አለቃ ገብረሃና የታወቁ የዝማሜ እና የአቋቋም ሊቅ ኾነው ነገር ግን በብብታቸው የትምባሆ ቅል ደብቀው ቤተ መቅደስ ውስጥ እንደተገኙ ያሳዩናል። አፄ ዮሐንስ፣ አፄ ምኒልክ፣ ንጉሥ ሚካኤል ሁሉንም እንደገና በአዲስ ማንነታቸው እና በተራኪው ዕይታ እንድናያቸው ያደርጉናል።
Read moreThe father of Ethio-jazz, Mulatu Astatke pushes the musical envelope.
“[Director] Jim Jarmusch is definitely a great man. He’s one that is really here for me and speaks for my efforts for years and years. We’ve been working for years, and finally it’s all over the world. It’s so great that this music is really coming up now. We just keep on pushing and playing it out.”
For his Barby gig, Astatke will benefit from the heavyweight sideman services of seven mostly UKbased instrumentalists who combine an upbringing in classical music, jazz, funk and numerous ethnic strands and will perform material from the Ethiopian’s latest CD, Mulatu Steps Ahead. As Astatke says: “We just keep on pushing and playing it out.”
Read moreየኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ አንድነት መድረክ (መድረክ) የዜጎች የንብረት ባለቤትነት መብት ይከበር ሲል በትናትናው ዕለት በሰጠው ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ አመራሮቹ ከመንግሥትና ከህወሓት የሚዲያ ተቋማት ጋዜጠኞች ጋራ ተወዛገቡ።
በጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ ላይ የተሳተፉ የአዲስ ዘመን ጋዜጣ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ዜና አገልግሎት (ኢዜአ)፣ የኢትዮጵያ ራዲዮ ድርጅት፣ እና ባለቤትነታቸው የህወሃት የሆኑት የራዲዮ ፋና እና የዋልታ ጋዜጠኞች “በጥያቄና መልስ ላይ የመጣንበትን ተቋም መመልከቱን ትታችሁ ለጥያቄያችን ብቻ መልስ ብትሰጡን፤ እኛ ጋዜጠኞች ነን” ሲሉ ለመድረክ አመራሮች አቤቱታ አከል ተቃውሞ አስምተዋል።
Read moreBy Alex Perry Walking into the jazzamba lounge in Addis Ababa as it readies for a Friday night is like stumbling into a gig by an Ethiopian Buena Vista Social Club. The venue is hung with low-lit golden chandeliers, candles dot the tables, the barman is flirting with the waitresses, and on stage, running through [...]
Read moreAs recently as the mid-1980s, it was thought that famine was usually an “act of God” — a “biblical” failure of rains or crops or seasons. But in the 1990s Amartya Sen, the Nobel-winning economist, showed this was wrong by proving one bold fact: “No famine has ever taken place in the history of the world in a functioning democracy.” Famine, it turns out, is not caused by a failure to produce food. It is caused by a failure to distribute food correctly — because the ruler is not accountable to the starving.
To demonstrate this thesis, Keneally — best known for his remarkable novel “Schindler’s Ark” — closely studies three of the greatest hungers in history: the Irish potato famine that began in 1845, the Bengal famine that raged in 1943 and 1944, and the Ethiopian famines of the 1970s and ’80s. They are scattered across continents yet they are uncannily similar; Keneally says that “it is as if they shared part of the same DNA.”
Read moreአኔ ዱፌ ጅራ” በሚል የኦሮምኛ ሙዚቃው የሚታወቀው ድምጻዊ ዳዊት መኮንን በቅርቡ “ኦሮሚያዊነቴን”/ኦሮሙማ” የሚል ነጠላ ዚማውን ለሕዝብ አድርሷል። የዳዊት ኦሮሚያዊነቴን እወደዋለሁ ሊሰማ የሚገባው መልእክት አዝሏል። ዳዊት ሙዚቃውን የተጫወተው በአማርኛ እና በኦሮምኛ ነው።
Read moreበየትያትር ቤቶች እጅህ እስኪቀጥን ያጨበጨብክለት ድርሰት የተፈጠረው ዶሮ ማነቂያ ውስጥ ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ የድርሰቱ ቃለ ተውኔት የሚሸመደደውም በእነ “መካ ቤት” የጫት ጉዝጓዝ ላይ ነው፡፡ ደግሞ አርቲስት ብቻ አይምሰልህ የዶሮ ማነቂያን መታወቅያ የወሰደው፡፡ የተማሩና የተመራመሩ፣ ኢትዮጵያ ጨረቃ ላይ ከወጣች መወጣጫ መሰላሉን ያዋቅራሉ የሚባሉ ምሁራን ተራ ሰው መስለው ዶሮ ማነቂያ ይሽሎኮሎካሉ፡፡ ማን መሆናቸውን የምታውቀው ግን ከእነርሱ ጋር ለማውራት እድሉ ሲገጥምህ ብቻ ነው፡፡ እውቀታቸው መሬትን ከሰማይ ይደባልቃል፡፡ እነርሱ ግን ከዶሮ ጋር አባሮሽ ይጫወታሉ፡፡
ዶሮ ማነቂያ ሺሻና ጫት ቤቶቿ በየጊዜው በዘመቻ ይታሸጉባታል፡፡ በዚያ ስታልፍ በቤቶቹ በር ላይ በቀይ ቀለም “ታሽጓል” የሚል ጽሑፍም አንብበህ ይሆናል፡፡ ግን እውነት የታሸገ እንዳይመስልህ፡፡ በጀርባ በኩል መስኮት የሚመስል በር አለው፡፡ የቤቱ ደንበኞቹ ብቻ ናቸው በር መሆኑን የሚያውቁት፡፡ ቀበሌዎችን ለማዘናጋት ዶሮ ማነቂያዎች የፈጠሯት መላ ናት፡፡
Read moreስብሓት ‹‹ትኩሳት›› ብሎ በጠራው መጽሐፉ ጀርባ ላይ ምን አለ? “ወጣት ሁን” አለ፡፡ ቢመርህ ‹‹ሪቮሉሽን›› ታስነሳለህ፣ እጅግ ቢመርህ ራስህን ታጠፋለህ…፡፡ ለማንኛውም ወጣት ሁን፡፡ እኔ ግን እልኻለሁ፣ ወጣት መሆኑን ሁን፣ ነገር ግን ራስህን ከማጥፋትህ በፊት ፒያሳ ሂድ፤ ሐሳብህን ልትቀይር ትችላለህና፡፡ ለመሞትም ቢሆን የፒያሳን ያህል መልካም ሰፈር የለም፡፡ ቀባሪ አታጣም፤ በፒያሳ ሰው ባያይህ ማዘጋጃ ያይኻል፡፡ ለመሞትም ለመኖርም ስታስብ ፒያሳ ሂድ፡፡
Read moreEjigayehu “Gigi” Shibawbaw, one of Ethiopia’s best-known singers, is releasing her latest album Mesgana Ethiopia on October 19th through MOD Technologies, the label founded by Grammy-winner Bill Laswell (who has collaborated with countless legends from Mick Jagger to Laurie Anderson to Tony Williams). This release features Gigi singing her original songs mixed with some Ethiopian [...]
Read moreEthiopian film producers are inviting to enjoy their new releases. Two new movies will commence this coming week.
Read moreYared Shumete, editor of the popular Ethiopian movie “Siryet”, has been declared winner of the short-film award for Africa in the “2010 Global Democracy Video” competition
Read moreA couple of months before we started Addis Neger newspaper, the same team launced a website called Ethiomirror. It was a short-lived project. Technical glitches and the success of the newspaper killed the project. Most of the articles on the web were republished by the newspaper during its first few weeks. As they were read only by a very small number of people, we will from time to time publish some of those articles. Here is an interview with astrophysicst Legesse Wetro Kebede, a man who started physics on radio in Ethiopia.
Read moreBad Behavior has blocked 4089 access attempts in the last 7 days.
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